Conservation of angular momentum - angular momentum is a conserved quantitiy which remains constatn unless an external eccentric force or torque is applied
Once generated angular motion doesn't change throughout a movement - remains constant and therefore conserved
Rotating body will continue to turn about axis of rotation with constant angular momentum unitll acted upon by external force (angular version of Newton's first law)
As angular motion can't be changed once in flight so important to generate as much angular momentum as possible at take-off but can alter moment of inertia + angular velocity throguh changing body position
e.g. description through movement - ice skater triple axel jump
- take off - angular momentum generated by ice skater applying an eccentric force from ice to body
- rotation starts about longitudinal axis
- distribution of mass away from longitudinal axis, MI high, AV low so jump rotating slowly with control
- during flight - mass distributed close to longitudinal axis, MI decreased, AV increased, ice skater spins quickly
- landing preperation - mass distributed away from longitudinal axis, MI increased, AV reduced, rate of spin decreased for landing control
- during landing - ice applies external torque to remove quantity of angular momentum
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