Anatomy and Physiology
The Skeletal and Muscular Systems & Basic Concepts of biomechanics (Key Words)
- Created by: Nayo
- Created on: 04-05-10 09:49
The bony framework upon which the rest of the body is built. It provides attachements for the muscular system and carries and protects the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Skeletal Muscle
This attaches to and moves the skeleton. It is often termed striated muscle because it has obvious stripes on it caused by the long muscle fibres of which it is composed. it is also called voluntary muscle because it is the only type of muscle under our conscious control.
A place on the body where two or more bones meet.
Appendicular Skeleton
The bones of the upper and lower limbs and their girdles that join to the axial skeleton.
Axial Skeleton
This forms the long axis of the body and includes the bones of the skull, spine and rib cage.
A tough band of fibrous, slightly elastic connective tissue that attaches one bone to another. It binds the ends of the bones together to prevent dislocation.
A very strong connective tissue that attaches skeletal muscle to bone.
The shaft or middle part of a long bone.
The end portion of a long bone.
Bone Marrow
Connective tissue found in the spaces inside bone that is the site of blood cell production and fat storage.
Growth Plate
The area of growing tissue near hte end of long bones in children and adolescents, often referred to as the epiphyseal plate. When physical maturity is reached, the growth place is replaced by solid bone.
Articular Cartilage
A thin layer of glassy-smooth cartilage that is quite spongy and convers the end of bones at a joint.
Joint Cavity
A space within a synovial joint that contains synovial fluid.
A flattened fibrous sac lines with synovial fluid that contains a thin film of synovial fluid. It's function is to prevent friction at sites in the body where ligaments, muscles, tendons or bones might rub together.
A wedge of white fibrocartilage that improves the fit between adjacent bone ends, making the joint more stable and reducing wear and tear on the joint surfaces.
Pad of Fat
A fatty pad that provides cushioning between the fibrous capsule and a bone or muscle.
Planes of Movement
A surface running through the body within which different types of movement can take place about different types of synovial joint. There are three main places that describe the movement of the human body.
Anatomical Position
An upright standing position with head, shoulders, chest, palsm fo hands, hips, knees and toes facing forwards.
Towards the front of the body.
Towards the back of the body.
Towards the head or upper part of the body.
Towards the feet or the lower part of the body.
Towards the middle of the body.
Towards the outside of the body.
Point of attachment of a muscle that remains relatively fixed during muscular contraction.
Point of attachment of a muscle that tends to move toward the origin during muscular contraction.
Antagonistic Muscle Action
As one muscle shortens to produce movement, another muscle lengthens to allow that movement to take place.
Agonist Muscle
The muscle that is directly responsible for the movement at a joint.
Antagonist Muscle
The muscle that has an action opposite to that of the agonist and helps in the production of a coordinated movement.
Core stability
The ability of your trunk to support the forces from your arms and legs during different types of physical activity. It enables joints and muslces to work in their safest and most effcient positions, therefore reducing the risk of injury.
Rotator Cuff
The suparaspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis muscles make up the rotator cuff. They work to stabilise the shoulder joint to prevent the larger muscles from displacing the head of the humerus during physical activity.
Isontonic Contraction
Tension is prodcued in the muscle while there is a change in muscle length. It is a dynamic contraction because the joint will move.
Isometric Contraction
Tension is prodcued in the muscle but there is no change in muscle length. It is a static contraction because the joint will stay in the same position.
Concentric Contraction
A type of isontic contraction that involves the muscle shortening while prodcuing tension.
Eccentric Contraction
A type of isotonic contraction that involves the muscle lengthening while producting tension.
Slow twitch muscle fibre
A type of muscle fibre associated with aerobic work. It produces a small force over a long period of time: high resistance to fatigue. It is suited to endruance based activites. E.g. Marathon Running.
Fast twitch muscle fibre
A type of muscle fibre associated with anaerobic work. It produces a large force over a short period of time : low resistance to fatigue. It is suited to power-based activities. E.g. Sprinting, Power Lifting. There are two types: fast oxidative glycolytic (Types 2a/FOG) and fast glycolytic (type 2b/FG). FOG fibres have a slightly greater resistance to fatigue than FG fibres.
Aerobic Exercise
Is performed in the presence of oxygen at a submaximal intensity over a prolonged period of time. E.g. Rowing.
Anaerobic Exercise
Is performed in the absense of oxygen at a maximal intensity that can only be sustained for a short period of time due to the build up of lactic acid. E.g. Sprinting.
Muscle Fibre
A long cylinderal muscle cell. Muscle fibres are held together in bundles to make up an indivdual skeletal muscle.
Warm Up
Light aerobic exercise that takes place prior to physical activity, normally including some light exercise to elevate the heart rate, muscle and core body temperature, some mobilising exercises for the joints, some stretching exercises for the muscles and connective tissue and some easy rehearsal of the skills to follow.
Cool Down
Low intesity aerobic exercise that takes place after physical activity and facilitates the recovery process.
Wakening of bones caused by a reduction in bone density making them prone to fracture.
An inactive lifestyle with little or no exercise.
A desgenractive joint disease caused by a loss of articular cartilage at the ends of long bones in a joint. It causes pain, swelling and reduced motion in your joints.
Bone Spurs
Are small projections of bone that form around joints due to damage to the joints surface, most commonly caused from the onset of osteoarthritis. They limit movement and cause pain in the joint.
Joint Stability
This refers to the resistance offered by various musculo-skeletal tissues that surround a joint.
Muscle Tone
The continual state of partial contraction of a muscle that helps to maintain posture.
Linear Motion
When a body move in a straight or curved line, with all its parts moving the same distance, in the same direction and at the same speed.
Angular Motion
When a body or part of a body moves in a circle or part of a circle about a particular point called the axis of rotation.
General Motion
A combination of linear and angular motion.
The releuctance of a body to change its state of motion.
The rate of change of velocity.
Centre of Mass
The point at which the body is balanced in all directions.
Refers to how difficult it is to disturb a body from a balanced position.
Line of Gravity
A line extending from the centre of mass vertically down to the ground.
Eccentric Force
A force whose line of application passes outside the centre of mass of a body causing the resulting motion to be angular.