Aims, Objectives and SMART Objectives of Coca-Cola


Aim of Coca Cola

Coca- colas long term vision was to double their revenues by 2020 and foucs on 6 of the following key aspects:







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Objectives of Coca Cola

Some of the main objectives of coca cola were to:

Focus on environment friendly bottling production and enforce sustainablitly.

Continue to diversify its portfolio through innovations and partnerships, keeping consumers demands in mind.

Increase annual operating income from 6% to 8% in order to double revenue by 2020.

Increase profit by cutting down costs through [roductive and efficient production facilities.

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Mission Statment of Coca Cola

The mission statement that coca cola gives is as follows:

To refresh the world in mind, body and spirit. To inspire moments of optimism through our brands and actions and to create valye and make a difference everywhere we enage.

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Linking SMART Objectives to Coca Cola

Specific - Double their revenue by 2020.

Measurable - They are measure their annual revenue in hope that it would improve.

Achievable - They are achievable because it allows a reason for employees to be motivated and know the result impress customers.

Realistic - Their aims help 6 key areas, incorporating their partners, customers and employees.

Time-Bound - Their vision is to be completed by 2020.

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