Aids to Interpretation Examples of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Aids to interpretation 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? LawStatutory interpretationASAll boards Created by: Ryan KeefeCreated on: 15-05-11 14:07 Intrinsic Aids Intrinsic Aids - Aids found within an Act 1 of 8 Intrinsic Aids Long/Short Title Abortion Act 1967 - "An Act to amend and clarify the law relating to termination of pregnancy by registered medical practitioners" Preamble Sets out the purpose of the Act in detail Schedules Additions to the main body of text which can be used to make sense of the main body of text Definition Section Explains the meaning of key words in the Act Punctuation Recognised to have an effect on the meaning of words 2 of 8 Advantages & Disadvantages of Intrinsic Aids Advantages & Disadvantages of Intrinsic Aids 3 of 8 Advantages & Disadvantages of Intrinsic Aids The long and short titles of Acts are of limited use The preamble is only really good for the Mischief Rule and the Purposive Approach The definition section is extremely useful for definining certain words There is a doubt whether punctuation should be used as it was not used in Acts before 1850 4 of 8 Extrinsic Aids Extrinsic Aids - Aids found outside the Act 5 of 8 Extrinsic Aids Dictionaries Used to look up the meaning of words - Vaughn v Vaughn Previous Acts Used to interpret an Act using the previous Act - Wheatly Interpretation Act 1978 Provides definition off words commonly found in Acts Reports of Law Reform Bodies These reports highlight what is wrong with old laws Hansard Reports of Parliamentary debates. Available to Judges since Pepper v Hart Textbooks Can be used for guidance - Re Castioni 6 of 8 Advantages & Disadvantages of Extrinsic Aids Advantages & Disadvantages of Extrinsic Aids 7 of 8 Advantages & Disadvantages of Extrinsic Aids Dictionaries are useful when using the Literal Rule Other Acts can be useful when using the Mischief Rule Interpretation Act 1978 is useful for interpreting words or phrases, but not as good for technical words Hansard is useful when using the Purposive Approach as it shows Parliament's intentions 8 of 8
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