. In 41BC Antonys brother attempted to take Octavians power to make peace Antony agrred that Ocatvian had control over Spain and Gaul. Ocatvian gave his half-sister Octavia in marriage to Antony.
. In 38BC Antony retrned to the east to Cleopatra, within a year Anotny had sent is pregnant wife Octavia back to rome and acknowledge publically that he had had twins with Cleopatra
. Romans looked on in disgust as Antony going against there morals and saw Octavia as a mistreated heroine.
. After defeating Pompeius Ocatvian emerged with an army greater then Antonys. Antony declared Caesarion, one on Cleopatras son's Julius Caesars legitamate son exceeding Ocatvian as an adopted son.
. Octavian declared war on Cleopatra, which put Antony in a postion of treason. In 31 BC Octavians commander Agrippa defeated Antony in a great sea battle. Antonly and Cleopatra feld back to Egypt, when Octavian arrived Antony commited suicide and Cleopatra sent herself as a goddess into the world of the deas
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