Panel; consists of one legall qualifed person and two non-legally qualifed personnel with expert knowledge. The chair person will ensure the hearing is fair and effcient and will encourage co-operation.
Two tiers; first tier tribunal is divided into six chambers eg teh social entitlement chamber. Upper tier tribunal deals with appeals from the first tier tribunals.
Cases heard; over 1 million per year. Administrative tribuals deal with indivuals V the state, eg teh immigration tribual. Domestic tribunals deal with 'in house' conflicts eg employer and empolyee disputes.
Nature of the hearing; informal, usually last one day, and have a set tiem and place both parties agreed on. Each party provides a set of evidence but there is no set rules of evidence or proccedure. Powers of a trbunal include imposing fines or penalty, awarding costs or compensation, allowing or disallowing benifits and so on.
Outcomes; Decisions will always be given in writing, but may also be given at the end of the day or by post. They are binding. Thus can be enforced. If the decsion is contested on a point of law, and if leave is granted, it can be appealed.