'Players in your housewifery and housewives in your beds'
Iago is very sexist here and believes women are universally untrustworthy which shows his misogynistic behaviour.
'With as little a web as this I will ensnare a great a fly as Cassio'
Iago is saying he is easily able to trap Cassio into his eveil plan.
'You are pictures out of doors, bells in your parlours, wildcats in your kitchen...'
Iago is usuing sexist language to make fun on women with his slanderous jokes.
'Constant, loving, noble nature'
Here Iago is basically admitting that he is going to exploitall of Othello's good qualities.
'I'll pour the pestilence into his ear'
The image of posion shows Iago's villainy and how he has confidence in his power of verbal persuasion.
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