Acid + ? general formulas General formulas for acids + bases etc. 3.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? ChemistryAcids, bases and saltsGCSEAll boards Created by: PaulaCreated on: 31-12-10 15:08 Acid + ? general formulas Acid + Metal ---> 1 of 9 Acid + ? general formulas Salt + Hydrogen 2 of 9 Acid + ? general formulas Acid + Carbonate ---> 3 of 9 Acid + ? general formulas Salt + Water + Carbon Dioxide 4 of 9 Acid + ? general formulas Acid + Alkali ---> 5 of 9 Acid + ? general formulas Salt + Water 6 of 9 Acid + ? general formulas Acid + Base ---> 7 of 9 Acid + ? general formulas Salt + Water 8 of 9 Dissolving in water When acids dissolve in water they produce hydrogen ions, H+ When alkalis dissolve in water they produce hydroxide ions, OH- 9 of 9