‘Being men’s-magazine cool was as close as he had ever come to an achievement’ (p6). Will’s life seems empty, not achieved much, trying to give himself worth by saying he is ‘men’s magazine cool’.
‘Think of activites as units of time’ (p71). Desperately trying to fill empty life, trying to life to himself.
‘[Jessica] tell him he was wasting his life…John and Christine had taken the Jessica route to oblivion, he had no use for them whatsoever’ (p9). Will is shallow, disposes of friends when they become 'boring' or take on responsibility (John and Christine's baby).
‘You had to live in your own bubble.’ (p62) Will’s attitude to life, believed you should only care about yourself and keep yourself to yourself.
‘Life took up so much time, so how could one work and, say, take a bath on the same day?’ (p72). Convinced himself his life is ‘full’, ironic as has never worked so wouldn’t know whether you could do both.
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