The title suggests that this poem is something to perform, with the fact that it's about missing someone as an after thought.
The brackets used here make the reader prioritise their attention to the fact that it was to be performed, rather that the content of the poem.
This performance aspect suggests the selfish tone that is going to be used throughout, as the speaker clearly comes across as wanting others to understand their thoughts.
The title of this novel also has an opinionated view, as from knowing that it is from Nick's narrative, it implies his biased views towards Gatsby and his adoration for him.
When reading the title, emphasis is put on the word 'great' to imply that as a reader, you should only focus on the good aspects of Gatsby, as the negative doesn't compare.
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"Then ask me not, when I return?"
He doesn't want her to complain about his leaving. however, the speaker never questtion if the woman would wait for him. as seen through the other metaphysical poets in the collection, her constant affection for him is expected.
The speaker makes clear that he will stray no matter what she may do to stop him.
This stanza is filled with the personal pronoun, "I" to show how selfish the speaker really is.
It is well known that "Tom's got some woman in New York," however, they dont speak about it much.
The wording of "some woman" implies her class status before the readers get the chance to meet her character.
Tom's infedelity is an example to how selfish his charatcer is, wanting Daisy's loyalty without giving any in return.
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"When wearied with a world of Woe"
This alliteration slows down the poem to show the speaker's regret as he expresses his love.
The capitalisation of 'Woe' makes the event seem all the more horrific, as if it is out of the speaker's control.
Contextually, the speaker knows that the woman would now find it more difficult to marry someone else as he has taken her virginity.
"thers's things between Daisy and me that you'll never know"
Tom always goes back to Daisy ,expecting her to be waiting for him. When he discovers that she too has been unfaithful, he is offeded, and yet doesn't think about how he too has been unloyal.
In this chapter, both Gatsby and Tom are arguing for Diasy's love, and it takes a few pages before we get to discover her opinion, as they assume her thoughts and feelings throughout.
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"Faithless to thee, False, unforgiv'n"
The harshe alliteration used here suggests that the speaker is cursing himself.
The final consequences of infedelity are the loss of true love and the loss of his place in heaven.
The speaker never specifies who he is speaking to, implying that it could be God, or a prostitute.
Tom again still wants a relationship with Daisy when both have cheated on the other.
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