Legato string accompaniment, clarinet outlines vocal part of soprano solo
Viola doubles alto solo, trombonedoubles bass solo
Sighing quaver figure in oboe then later clarinet (bars 107-114)
Imitative brass adds to urgency (during 2nd tenor solo)
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CONTEXT "A Child of Our Time" (1939-41) Tippett
A young Polish Jew left desperate by the persecution of his family and race in general by the Nazis shot a junior diplomat at the German embassy.
3 days later the Germans killed over 90 Jews, burned down synagogues and arrested over 30,000 more- Crystal Night
Walks through some of the key events in Grynszpan's story
Not a detailed documentary of the events themselves, Tippett addresses the human conditions surrounding the events: brutality, alienation, violence, resilience, passion, nurturing
Avoids reference to specific groups- speaks universally- blames no one
Draws on the telling of Christ's life and crucifiction in Handel's Messiah- 3 parts like it
Interested in psychology (Jung's shadow and light), refers to seasons at the start of each of the three sections
Other influences come from African slaves (N America)- uses spirituals
Roles of soloists and chorus are not operatic, nobody stays in character throughout although traits are identified
Near the end of the WHOLE work the singers come together on the words "Shadow and light" allowing for resolution
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