5.1 - Political change under Napoleon


Napoleon's position in 1800

24th December 1800 - 'Infernal Machine' assassination attempt

  • Napoleon saved by the speed of his carriage
  • 52 killed or wounded

Napoleon was far from universally accepted and needed to consolidate his power. 

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Role of the plebiscite of 1800

The plebiscite of 1800 appealed directly to the people for the ratification of the Constitution of Year VIII. 

Purely propaganda - illustrated concern for democracy and confirmed position as First Consul, as well as justifying coup of Brumaire

Relatively low turnout (around 25%) but Napoleon's brother Lucien adjusted the statistics to suggest 46.26% of the electorate had participated and 99.94% supported Napoleon.

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Actions following the Plebiscite

Napoleon moved into Tuileries Palace and had coins minted with his effigy on them (bare-headed or wearing a laurel wreath, recalling ancient Roman symbol of supreme authority)

Selected Council of State - Cambaceres made first Minister of Justice, Fouche made Minister of Police

Entertained at 'State Banquets'

Establishment of the Consulate (new government) was relatively smooth following the Directory - included many of the same people

Most civil servants kept their posts as the structure of government remained largely the same - Napoleon's innovations (e.g. prefects) simply strengthened central control within the framework

Overall, management of government claimed to create stability

Napoleon professed to provide strong and effective government 'in the people's best interests'

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Repression of Jacobin opposition

Spies used to infiltrate potential Jacobin groups

October 1800 - failed 'dagger conspiracy', Jacobins implicated

December 1800 - blamed for Infernal Machine, although this was actually a royalist plot

1801 - 129 Jacobin leaders arrested and deported to Seychelles or Guiana

Civil servants thought to be Jacobin sympathisers dismissed

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Repression of royalist opposition

Some royalists believed Napoleon would place the comte de Provence or the Duc d'Orleans on the throne but in September 1800 Napoleon wrote to Provence stating that he 'should not hope to return to France'

Used military tribunals to deal with rebel leaders and extended police force

General Brune sent to Western France to deal with those who refused a truce

Brittany, 1800 - 6000 Chouan prisoners taken, 750 shot 

1800 - 1804 Series of royalist disturbances in Paris (21st January 1800 at Sainte-Madeleine, Loui's XVI's will posted on the church door)

1804 Cadoudal conspiracy - Jean-Charles Pichegru and Chouan leader Cadoudal implicated, 18 aristocrats arrested

1804 Duc d'Enghien captured after spy network reported he was in communication with emigres. Shot in the ditch of the Chateau de Vincennes

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Repression of opposition from Liberals

Some liberals were critical of what they saw as an "emerging dictatorship", wanted greater freedom of speech and freedom of the press

1803 - Madame de Stael banished 64km from Paris for allowing resistance within her salon

1804 - de Stael exiled until 1814

Opposition controlled by censorship - by 1800 only 13 newspapers allowed by Napoleon "devoted exclusively to the sciences, arts, literature, commerce, announcements and public notices"

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Politics of reconciliation

As well as censorship, Napoleon did try to win over opponents through reconciliation 

Offered amnesty to western rebels - won over some key royalist leaders, promised to protect the Catholic religion

1802 - allows emigres to return as long as they had not fought against the republic and were willing to declare they would no longer speak to "enemies of the state", swear an oath of fidelity to the government and renounce foreign titles. Govt. surveillance for 10yrs on return

Won bourgeois support - reassured purchasers of biens nationaux, increased voting rights

Spoke of "amalgame" = ending social divisions of the Ancien regime by reconciling old nobility and new ruling elites and "ralliement" = rallying all around the regime. Mostly talk but there were some successes (e.g some old nobility accepted positions in the state, 22.5% ennobled were Ancien R.)

1800 Success at Marengo, Austria - propaganda opportunity

1802 - Peace of Amiens provided respite from constant war and protected Bourgeois trading interests

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Consul for Life

1802 - Senate offers Napoleon position of Consul for Life and the right to name his heir

=Constitution of Year X

Presented as a "gesture of national gratitude" to Napoleon

Accompanied by another plebiscite - this time 50.55% of people voted, 99.76% were in favour of Napoleon

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The establishment of Emperor status

1804 - Napoleon takes the title "Emperor of the French" = Constitution of Year XII 

Threats to Napoleon's position such as the resumption of war in 1803 and the royalist plots in 1804 (Duc d'Enghien, Cadoudal) provided an excuse for Napoleon to extend his power

The constitution was presented to the French people in another plebiscite with a 47.2% turnout and a vote of 99.93% in support of Napoleon. 

Established a hereditary succession to the House of Bonaparte

2nd December 1804 - Napoleon consecrated Emperor by Pope Pius VII, but places the crown on his own head

26th May 1805 - Napoleon crowned himself again in Milan Cathedral with the iron crown of Lombardy, symbolising his rule as King of Italy

The constitution also changed the electoral process so that those on the departmental list could only be appointed from the 600 highest taxpayers. The First Consul was to nominate up to 10 members himself from among the 30 highest taxpayers. 

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Constitutional developments

The constitutional details established after the coup of Brumaire did not last long - even before the constitutions of Years X and XII, Napoleon had taken steps to subvert some of the original provisions. 

January 1801 - Napoleon begins to block the wishes of the Tribunate and the Legislative Body using senatus consultum. Napoleon filled the senate with his own supporters, using gifts of land and salaries to maintain support. 

January - March 1802 - Napoleon purges the Senate, Tribunate (20 removed, split into three) and the Legislative Body (60 removed)

Constitution of Year X changed voting qualifications giving more political power and prestige to well-off notables. 

1810 - Tribunate abolished

1813 - Last meeting of the Legislative Body

1815 - attempts final changes to the constitution

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