why did opposition to apartheid increase during th
usual pass offense was £5-£8 or 5-8 weeks imprisonment
80% families in Johannesburg lived on £20 a week 1960
Robert Sobukwe leader of the PAC
Sharpville is in the Vall triangle and was the center of protest
Sharpville had a bus boycott in 1959 and 15 people were killed
a PAC group was established in Sharpville in 1959
Sharpville massacre happened 21 march 1960 were 5,000 people surrounded a police station with PAC leader requesting them to be arrested
200 policemen with rifles were outside and ordered to open fire, 69 people died with 187 injured
Sharpville caused international criticism
Sharpville was heavily documented and photographs hit international newsstands
Sharpville massacre caused the United Nations to condemn Sharpville and call for a reversal of apartheid and racial discrimination
28th march ANC organized a mass pass burning and Albert Luthuli burned his in front of the media
march 30th state of emergency put in place
the police used the public safety act 1953 to arrest political leaders without warrants
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Why did opposition to apartheid increase during th
Albert Luthuli was assaulted after his arrest
8th April 1960 unlawful organisation act passed which banned parties that threatened public order
9th April Verwoerd shot by a white English speaking man
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Why did south Africa become a republic in 1961
1958 election secured an NP majority
SA wanted to be free from the British constitutional tie with the commonwealth
SA had no TV until 1976
Harold Macmillan conservative prime minister of Britain had an African tour in 1960 to keep ties with SA because of the cold war
52% voted for the republic, a narrow win
Black opposition parties rejected the move
SA became a republic in 1961
due to undiplomatic behavior by Verwoerd Britain and Australia said they couldn't keep SA in the commonwealth
Britan was the colonial power in SA neighbor territories: Bechuanaland, Protectorate, Basutoland and swaziland
The UK was the main area for people to fleeing SA
British companies through Sharpvillie had triggered a brief withdrawal of investment from south africa
British companies were the largest external investors in SA
SA a major uranium supplier
1962 UN issued a resolution to ban imports and exports to SA, however, these were voluntary
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Did the ANC and PAC radicalise after 1960
PState of emergency lifted in august 1960
1961 ANC decided to used armed struggle
ANC's armed organization called MK but wasn't formally linked to the ANC or CP it was a theory of an independent military wing
the soviet union made the largest financial contribution for the MK
1961 group of African men sent to china for guerilla tactic training
first major sabotage was planned for December 1961
The PAC's military wing was called Poqo 1961
Poqo was a movement among migrant workers but kept its Ideologies and justified violence against whites
few whites were actually killed in the Poqo campaign and Poqo wasn't as committed as MK was
Mandela arrested 1962 in Riviona at MK headquarters
Riviona trial- Mandela and MK leaders were tried for recruiting fighters, attempting to commit sabotage, having links w communism and soliciting money with foreign states
the prosecutor called for the death sentence but the judge called life imprisonment.
Robert sobukwe already incarcerated in Robben island
communication from inside to outside was difficult and the leaders were isolated and Mandela was unable to lead the MK in exile
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Did the ANC and PAC radicalise after 1960
Joe Modise became the leader of the MK
Oliver Tambo deputy president of ANC put into exile
Tambo traveled Europe to get international support and addressed the UN directly
the anti-apartheid movement was a global movement
1959 boycott movement started and focused on SA products such as sherry
Swedish gov gave direct support to AAM Canada and Netherlands also housed the AAM
however, AAM struggled to get widespread support
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What factors strengthened apartheid or separate de
SA still dependent on mining and agriculture for its exports
the gov failed to invest enough in education for the population
manufacturers and marketers identified the black market
industrial workers saw a 50% wage increase during the 1960's
SA produced 95,000 cars in 1960 and 195,000 in 1970
during apartheid, alcohol was prohibited to blacks
SA become more isolated in the 1960's
companies like Barclays banks, coco cola, Volkswagen were established in SA
voster saw an increase in police powers
police were given 180 days to detain people without trial under the terrorism act 1967
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