Roosevelt moved to the left as opposition to the left was more of a threat
- Radio Priest (Father (Fr) Coughlin
'The Golden hour of the little flower'
35 million listeners every week
Origionally supported New Deal 'Christ's Deal'
Felt FDR under influence of banks
Wanted Banks Nationalised
Blamed Jews =
1935- discredited None listened to his policies
'Old Age Pension Revolving Plan'
Over 60's stopped working
$200 pension monthly BUT must use ALL of it to jelp economy
(no way to regulate they use all the $)
Would cost 1/2 US's GNP
Collected 20 million signatures, but Congress neever passed
'Share our wealth'
Senator of Luisiana (very poor state but reverted it)
Hugely popular--- 8 million members Nation Wide
No-one earn over $1.8 million per year
Only allowed $3 million in bank the rest confiscated
$5 thousand given to every American Adult if needed
Surplus used for cheap food & free eduation more $ to pension
1935--- serious competition, but assasinated by a rivals son
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