1642-49 From Civil War to Revolution
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- Created by: Aoise Haran
- Created on: 14-03-17 11:18
What motivated men to take sides?
- Traditional explanations:
- Royalists: north and west of England, less advanced economically
- Parliamentarians: London and south-east, wealthiest parts of country
- The Problem of Neutralism
- Vast majority of PN tried to avoid taking sides in the war
- Neutralism grew as war progressed
- 1645 local gentry in 10 counties made Clubmen Associations
- Clubmen aimed at using military force to keep royalist & parliamentarian armies out of their counties
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What motivated men to take sides?
- Feared Parliaments attacks on King would lead to widespread social revolution & eventual anarchy
- Felt the established Church must be defended
- Feared religious radicalism had been released by Pym
- Feared that King, misled by evil advisers had been making attempts to destroy Parliament and English liberties
- Committed to reducing or abolishing bishops power
- Therefore, religion was a key factor
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How did each side finance war?
- · Both sides sometimes resorted to confiscation of opponent’s property and stealing
- · Charles reliant on gifts from wealthy royalists
- · Royalists eventually copied parliamentary methods but less successful
- · Often relied on Free Quarter- taking of good promising owners would be compensated
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How did each side finance war?
- · Monthly assessment: direct tax on income and wealth
- · Excise tax: tax on range of goods including beer and wine
- · End of 1640s MA collecting £90,000 a month
- · Gentry eventually supported Parliament as their army was better and more regularly paid
- · Meant were less likely to resort to plunder
- · However 1645 growing discontent among parliamentary supporters about crushing taxation that PN was now paying
- · Parliament set up County Committees to supervise collection of taxation
- · These became hated as local gentry saw them as “social upstarts”
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Consequences: Parliaments financial
Consequences: Parliament's financial organisation
- · Had some negative effects on Parliament
- · Both sides of PN desperate to end taxation of war
- · Also concerned at how County Committees had destroyed local independence of gentry
- · PN desperate for a speedy settlement that would restore normality
- · PN also desperate to disband NMA
- · Fears of growing religious and political radicalism in NMA was even more vital that it be disbanded quickly
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Was Parliamentary victory always inevitable
- · Factors that allowed Parliament to win:
- · Greater finances
- · Control of London and SE England
- · London centre of printing- easier to produce propaganda
- · Control of navy: prevented Charles receiving supplies from Ireland
- · Alliance with Scots Covenanters
- · Weakness in royalist leadership
- · Parliamentary became more likely during war but WASN’T inevitable until 1645
- · June 1645: King’s main army destroyed at NAESBY
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Search for Allies
- · Royalist attempts:
- · Sept 1643: Charles signed CESSATION with Irish Rebels, Irish troops would come and fight on royalist side
- · This was propaganda disaster for Charles when made public
- · Troops of little use
- · Parliamentary attempts:
- · Sept 1643: Parliament signed alliance with Scots Covenanters
- · Scots would provide army of 21,000
- · Pym also established COMMITTEE OF BOTH KINGDOMS to coordinate finance & fighting of war
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Civil War in Scotland & Ireland
- Not all Scottish nobles were Covenanters
- Earl of Montrose led royalist forces against Covenanters in Scotland & won no. of battles
- Sept 1645: Battle of Philiphaugh: Covenanter army crushed Montrose's forces
- Ended Charles' military hopes in Scotland
- Outbreak of Irish Rebellion made civil war more complicated through religion
- War in Ireland particularly brutal
- 1642: Catholic rebels formed Confederation: now known as confederates
- Opponents were Protestants of Ulster commanded by Earl of Ormond
- Sept 1643: Ormond signed 1 year truce under Charles' order allowing Irish troops to fight for King
- Troops had little impact
- Reinforced that Charles was sympathetic to Catholics
- Sept 1646: Confederate army defeated Covenanters giving Confederates back control of Ireland
- By 1646 Confederates unwilling to give further help to Charles
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Parliamentary Leadership
How important was Parliamentary leadership in winning war?
- Charles was poor war leader, allowed quarrels to develop that obstructed war effort
- E.g. poor leadership: Battle of Edgehill Oct 1642
- Didn't take opportunity to take London after Parliamentary forces retreated
- However Parliamentary leadership just as split
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Tension & Division Parliament
By 1643
- "Peace Group"- wanted settlement, unhappy seeing King humiliated
- "War Group"- felt King must be defeated in war & have harsh conditions imposed
- Dec 1643: death of Pym deprived Parliament of leadership
- Splits became more intense
- 1644: Battle of Marston Moor: Parliamentary victory meant Charles lost control of northern England
- "War party" in Parliament appointed military leaders based on social status
- 1644: Essex's entire force captured
- 1644: Manchester allowed royalist army to withdraw even though near victory
- End 1644: peace negotiations failed as Charles confident he might win
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Events to Parliamentary Victory
- Feb 1645: NMA Ordinance
- Parliamentary Army of 21,000
- Commanded by Thomas Fairfax
- April 1645: Self-denying ordinance
- All MPs to give up military commands
- Get rid of incompetent commanders (Essex & Manchester)
- Now general determination among MPs to end war
- June 1645: Battle of Naesby: Charles' main army destroyed
- Parliamentary victory now inevitable
- May 1646: Charles surrenderd to Scots
- Greatest concern among MPs now was radicalism of NMA
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Search for Settlement 46-47
- July 1646: Charles presented with NEWCASTLE PROPOSITIONS
- Included: Triennial Parliaments
- Parliament nominate King's chief ministers
- Parliament to control militia
- Anglicanism abolished, no toleration
- Majority of PN desperate for permanent settlement
- Would return to traditional government
- Overwhelming fears of radicalism in NMA
- MPs and gentry want to disband army ASAP
- Thought permanent settlement was inevitable 1646-47
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Role of King 1646-47
- Charles had no intention of giving up powers
- Saw all enemies of traitors
- Felt he lost war because he gave up divine powers
- Knew enemies were deeply divided
- Didn't want to accept Newcastle Propositions- logic to this
- Charles seemed to be being proved right
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Development radicalism NMA
How did religious radicalism develop in NMA?
- 1640s breakdown of religious censorship as quarrel between King and PN resulted in collapse of authority
- Breakdown allowed radical groups to expand
- Majority of NMA just wanted pay arrears and indemnity
- Cavalry were more educated:
- Felt their lives had been changed by army experience
- NMA had defeated King- believed they were an "instrument of God"
- Saw themselves as "army of Saints"
- "Independent" beliefs grew among many soldiers
- Prepared to accept national church but each congregation to decide on own form of worship
- Cromwell increasingly seen as spokesman of Independent religious sects
- Horrified at developments in Army
- "Gangraena"- document about religious extremism in army revealed fears of MPs and PN
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Cromwell's Role
- By 1645: Cromwell incresingly attacked by Parliament for promotion of soldiers with radical religious views
- He was an "old style puritan"
- Believed "godliness" could be found in all religious radical groups
- Believed England could be a godly nation
- Attacked social hierarchy
- Horrified MPs
- One hand he was social & political "conservative"- wanted return to traditional forms of government
- Other hand wanted some form of religious liberty for radical groups & to eventually create "godly" nation
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1646 Divisions in Parliament
- Wanted speedy settlement with King
- Wanted national Presbyterian Church settlement
- Feared growing radicalism in Army
- Aimed to Disband Army
- Wanted strict conditions imposed on King
- Accept state church but should be some external liberty of worship
- Close links w/Army- only they could guarentee their demands
- Based in London, John Lilburne & Richard Overton
- Existing forms of government should be replaced with more democratic system
- Belief all men are born equal
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Politicalisation of Army
Why did the Army emerge as a Political Force?
- Blame lies with Political Presbyterian MPs
- Assumed they could disband NMA with no pay arrears
- Insult to honour of Army
- Several petitions sent by army w/ help of Cromwell to Parliament
- Majority of demands were material (pay arrears)
- Owed £3m in arrears
- Would've settled for less
- March 1647: Parliament issued "Declaration of Dislike"
- Ordered NMA to disband at once
- No indemnity offered
- PP began attempt to raise new army led by Presbyterian officers
- They overreacted to moderate demands of Army
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- May 1647: MPs voted to disband the Army with 8 weeks pay arrears
- Too late- Army felt it's honour had been insulted
- Attack on Army by PP turned them into political force
- May 1647: Army issued "SOLEMN ENGAGEMENT" -refused to disband until grievances listened to
- June 1647: "Declaration of Army"- set out its political demands
- Regular parliaments, religious liberty
- Punishment of leading PP's
- References to "free-born Englishmen" Influence of Levellers?
- July 1647
- Army occupied London, PP leaders fled
- Army emerged as dominant political force
- Made settlement more difficult
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Cromwell's Role Politicalisation NMA
What was Cromwell's role in politicalisation of Army?
- He was torn between his two instincts
- Natural political "conservative"- deeply concerned about radicalism in Army going out of control & didn't want any major changes to society
- Religious radicalism- he wanted to see religious liberty established and believed Army was an "instrument of God"
- He felt unless he took control of demands radicalism would go out of control
- This is why he agreed to capture the King
- Cromwell and his son in law HENRY IRETON seen as main spokesmen of Army
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Heads of Proposals
June 1647
- These were drawn up by Ireton
- Parliament would nominate King's advisers for 10 years
- Bishops remain in national church but lose power to force attendance at Church
- Biennial Parliaments
- Some Leveller grievances would be redressed
- Charles would remain at heart of government, Anglican Church would remain
- They reveal Ireton & Cromwell's desire to return to traditional forms of government
- Charles has been criticised for not accepting these
- He didn't realise only the Army could enforce a settlement
- He began to play Army off against Parliament
- It was Charles betryal of Army 1647-48 that cost him his life
- Charles believed he had more power than he actually did
- He had a "lack of political reality"
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Splits in Army 1647
By October 1647
- Junior officers becoming disillusioned with lack of progress in final settlement
- Junior officers wanted wide range of reforms
- Growing suspicisons among this group that Cromwell & Ireton were pursuing selfish motives
- These feelings were exploited by the Levellers
- Levellers & Leveller propoganda began to infiltrate lower ranks of army
- Produced by Levellers
- Attack on Army grandees for not pushing for radical political reforms
- How did Cromwell & Ireton react?
- Increasingly concerned about the demands of some agitators & their leveller allies
- However trying to crush Leveller influence in Army might provoke a mutiny agaisnt senior officers
- Conviced Charles even more that his enemies were falling apart
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Agreement of the People Oct 1647
- This was Levellers blueprint for a future settlement
- All men born equal
- Complete freedom of worship
- No mention of role of King or House of Lords, basically arguing for a democratic republic
- Levellers began a campaign in Army to have agreement accepted as plan for future settlement
- Cromwell & Ireton increasing fear of Army Mutiny
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Putney Debates
Oct-Nov 1647
- Cromwell desperate to maintain Army unity
- Cromwell had no intention of accepting the agreement but during debates he emphasised that both sides could find common ground
- He spoke little in the debates Ireton was left to defend the grandees against agitators
- Most arguments based around Ireton & the agitators on the franchise
- Ireton argued it must be based on ownership of property
- Some Levellers pushed for full adult male franchise
- Others argued men recieving charity should be excluded
- Reveals key weakness of Levellers- unable to agree on a common programme
- Opposing views of agitators & grandees couldn't be reconciled
- Putney debates ended as Cromwell realised not much more could be gained and Charles actually escaped from Army control November 1647
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The Second Civil War
24 December 1647: PP MPs presented Charles with 4 Bills
- Immediately rejected by Charles
- Charles instead signed an "Engagement" with Scots Covenanters
- This would:
- Introduce Presbyterian Church as national church in England 3 years
- Charles provided with army of 20,000
- Scots did realise however that Charles' promises were worthless
- Would now be difficult for Charles to appeal to English supporters as a defender of Anglican Church
- January 1648: Parliament pass "VOTE OF NO ADDRESSES"- all negotiations with King to be broken off
- Charles had temporarily reunited Parliament and the Army against him
- Many MPs were horrified by King's actions, knew Charles was planning a series of royalist risings
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Second Civil War 1648
- Why was there no negotiated settlement 1646-1647?
- 1. Terms offered to Charles unacceptable to him
- Not prepared to give up prerogative rights
- Felt he made enough concessions 1641
- 2. Charles aware there was growing resentment throughout nation at "parliamentary tyranny"
- Hatred of monthly assessment/excise taxes
- Hatred of County committes
- Hatred of Army
- 3. Little agreement among vicors of 1646 about peace terms
- Fully Presbyterian Church would've pleased most MPs but not the Political Independent MPs or Army
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Events of 2nd Civil War 48
- Charles cut off from political and military realities
- Could only see the divisions of his enemies
- Many Covenanters unhappy that he refused to sign the Covenant
- NMA discipline had been reasserted
- Most of PN wanted settlement, didn't necessarily support King's actions
- June 1648: Scots Army invaded N.England
- August 1648: Battle of Preston
- NMA crushed Scots Covenanter Army
- This ended the Second Civil War
- BUT: August 1648- Vote of no addresses overturned in Parliament
- MPs aware that hatred & fear of NMA, high taxation and religious radicalism were far more important than distrust of the King
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Events of 2nd Civil War 48
- Sept 1648: Parliament began negotating with King at Newport (Newport Negotiations)
- Evidence suggests they might have been near to agreement
- But Charles refused to abandon the Prayer Book for a "Directory of Worship"
- Charles made comments about no being bound to a mock treaty
- Could have been planning to decieve them again?
- Many prominent Political Independent MPs now prepared to deal with the King- becoming concerned with rumours of radicalism in Army
- THEREFORE superficially the prospects of a settlement looked closer than ever
- But for Cromwell and Ireton this was the moment of truth- attitudes had changed
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English Revolution 1648-49
- Army leaders began to support some of the views of ordinary soldiers
- Republicanism became serious political solution
- May 1648: At a "godly prayer meeting" there was a promise to bring Charles to account for his crimes
- At first Cromwell didn't play a big part as he was fighting in 2nd Civil War
- Fairfax refused to become more politically involved
- The main instigator of events over the next few months would be Ireton
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48-49 The Regicide & Revolution
- 20th Nov 1648: Remonstrance of Army
- Presented to Parliament, demanded King be brought to justice
- 6th Dec 1648: Prides Purge
- Colonel Thomas Pride with 1000 NMA soldiers surrounds Parliament buildings
- 45 MPs arrested, 186 secluded, 86 withdrew in protest, 80 stayed away
- Only 71 MPs left to bring King to justice "RUMP"
- 6th Jan 1649: "Rump Parliament" establishes High Court Of Justice to try King for high treason against people of England
- March: Act abolishing monarchy and House of Lords is passed
- May: Rump declares England to be a Commonwealth
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Why demand death of King?
Why did the Army demand the death of the King?
- Atttidues of most MPs by late 1648?
- "Conservative" case for compromise strengthened
- Rebellions revealed popular hatred of parliaments attempts to reform religion
- This is why PP's in Parliament took lead in restarting negotiations with King
- Also explains why Vote of No Addresses was repealed and why NMA's REMONSTRANCE was rejected
- Even some Political Independent MPs agreed to restart negotiations- many concerned about the rumours of radicalism in NMA about bringing King to justice
- The Army and "Providence" by late 1648
- Here politicalisation of NMA reached its logical conclusion
- Charles' negotiations with Scots and secret Engagement proved he couldn't be trusted
- Therefore pointless to negotiate as he couldn't maintain any agreement
- The Army claimed he had forfeited his right to be regarded as God's anointed
- By rejecting God's verdict in the 1st Civil War he had rejected God himself
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NMA's Remonstrance Nov 1648
- Drawn up by Ireton who played lead in bringing King to trial
- Even Ireton was unsure about what to do with the King if he was put on trial
- There was no mention of the abolition of the monarchy
- After the Purge only 71 MPs were left to carry out the will of the Army
- At this point it was unclear what would happen next
- Cromwelll still tried to persuade the King to make concessions but he refused
- Cromwell intrepreted this as PROVIDENTIAL sign he had been waiting for
- He now pushed for a public trial, Charles must be found guilty and executed as imprisonment would leave him to plot
- However no one was really sure of what to do after Charles was dead
- It was 2 months after his execution that the step was taken to abolish the monarchy and establish the republican Commonwealth
- Seems main reason for abolition of monarchy was lack of suitable replacement for Charles
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The Trial
- Rump establushed High Court of Justice to try the King, House of Lords objected
- Rump said it could pass laws without them
- Charles refused to recognise the Court for a week and was sentenced to death for "drivers and high crimes and treasons"
- Only 59 commissioners signed the death warrant- may have been forced to by Cromwell & Ireton
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The "English Revolution"
- No hint of any mass popular enthusiasm for English Revolution
- Charles was actually more popular at the time of his death than any other
- Day before Prides Purge most MPs said negotiations with King should continue
- Key feature of Revolution is that it was carried out by a minority
- By late 1648 Cromwell and Ireton felt there was no option other than to execute the monarchy
- Why was he executed?
- Much of the blame lies with Charles himself
- Emergence of radicals especially in Army was major factor
- Two key factors were NECESSITY and PROVIDENCE
- Necessity: Distrust of the King and lack of any alternative settlement
- Charles would never agree to any kind of settlement
- An agreement with Charles was impossible and there was no alternative
- Providence: To Army victory in war had been decided by God's judgement
- By restarting war Charles had mocked God's judgement therefore he was a man of blood
- This was what drove men like Cromwell
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Radical Groups Late 1640s
- Levellers
- Most important group to appear during Revolution
- John Lilburne, John Wildman, William Walwyn and Richard Overton
- They began to publish a stream of pamphlets
- In autumn 1647 they collaborated with militant army agitators producing "THE CASE OF THE ARMY TRULY STATED" and the first "AGREEMENT OF THE PEOPLE"
- They played a major part in the Putney debates
- Cromwell and Ireton feared that if they ignored them it might lead to an army mutiny
- HOWEVER: Cromwell aware ordinary soldiers support for Levellers depended whether they got paid or not
- Cromwell also aware that it was fear of Levellers that was dangerous
- When an army mutiny happened it was easily crushed: shows Leveller's impact was more exaggerated
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The Whitehall Debates
- 14th Dec 1648- 13 Jan 1649
- Ireton and Cromwell probably allowed these debates to take place as they wanted to ensure army unity as the trial of King was about to take place
- Levellers had drawn up "AGREEMENT OF THE PEOPLE"
- They hoped Rump would accept it and dissolve itself so more democratic elections were held
- When it was obvious Rump wouldn't carry out reforms Levellers felt betrayed
- Leveller's anger mainly directed against Cromwell and they wrote more pamphlets
- Feb 1649: Lilburne and Overton were arrested & sent to Tower of London
- Still issued a third "AGREEMENT OF THE PEOPLE"
- April/May 1649: Increasing discontent in Army over pay arrears
- Mutinies took place in Army but were easily crushed
- After this little heard from Levellers again
- Rump ensured Army had regular pay
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What was "Leveller Cause"
- Most common arguments between Levellers:
- Existing political establishment should be replace with one 'agreed by the people'
- All men equal and government was based on consent of people
- Some wanted monarchy and House of Lords abolished
- Complete religious toleration
- All equal before the law
- The most comprehensive and radical programme to appear during Revolution
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The Diggers
- Thought of themselves as the "True Levellers"
- Followers of Gerald Winstanley
- Attempted to set up communities that cultivated the land in common
- First Digger Commun 1649 chased out by property owners
- They were quickly destroyed by local opposition
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Religious Millenarian Groups
- The Fifth Monarchists
- Most powerful of the Millenarian groups
- In early years of Republic posed real threat to the state
- Believed there would be 4 great earthly monarchies with fourth monarchy being reign of ANTICHRIST
- After this King Jesus would return and end the world
- They were influential in the Army, led by Colonel Thomas Harrison
- He was most vocal senior officer in demanding death of King
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Effect of religious & political
The Effect of the Radical Political and Religious Groups on the English Revolution
- The Levellers
- Their influence on NMA overall was small
- Many soldiers who supported them were only concerned with getting their pay back
- When they were paid Leveller influence died down
- They didn't propose on giving the vote to women
- They rarely agreed on social/economic reforms
- Little support was given to them
- The Diggers
- A small, insignificant minority of people
- The Fifth Monarchists
- Influenced Army's demand to try the King and execute him, had even greater influence 1653
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Cromwell and radical
What was Cromwell's opinion of the radical groups?
- Desired wide religious toleration especially for all Protestants who did not disturb public peace
- Also assumed the fear of Levellers was greatly exaggerated
- Wished to preserve hierarchy of society
- This is why he was keen to persecute the Levellers
- Fear they created smong gentry made his aim of achieving religious liberty more difficult
- Also why throughout this period Cromwell was in a dilemma
- Wanyed religious liberty and some reform but the PN exaggerated the threat of radicals & viewed any form of toleration as leading to chaos and anarchy
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- It was fear of radical groups that was important
- None of them achieved more than a temporary, local popularity
- Most important group were the Levellers but in many ways their influence was negative
- Fear of Levellers encouraged the growth of "conservatism" throughout the period
- Meant the PN became even more desperate for a return to traiditonal forms of government
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