0.9 and 1.0

  • Created by: Schofe98
  • Created on: 03-06-17 17:13

Logical Operators

Exact definition of logic is a use of operators the outcome of a given argument

  • Applying these consistently to all the data you are given
  • Two outputs:True (1) or False (0)

Implementinglogicaldecisions – makingdecisionsin programs happens during selections

  • The computer must choose one of a number of statements to execute based on the result
  • Decide whether or not to repeat a set of instructions
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Standard and Custom Functions

When programming a solution it is common to require code written by someone else

  • Tend to come in the form of a library

Librarysoftwareisacollectionofclassesorfunctionsthatprovidecommonservices for programmers.

  • Searchingandsorting are classic examples
  • Normally carefully tested and work as efficiently as possible
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Data Compression

Reducing the amount of file space (bytes) that a given file takes up.

1.Lossy: means that the file is compressed to a smaller size but some information is lost in the process

  • Run lengthencodingreplacesasequenceofrepeatedcharacters with a flag character, followed by a character itself and the number of times its repeated.
  • Dictionaryencoding have sequences replaced by pointers to relevant places in the dictionary

2.Lossless: reduce file size without any loss of information


  • Compression ratio – a ratio between the original file and the new compressed file
  • Compression/decompression time – the amount of time it takes to compress or decompress a file (sometimes size saving maybe scraficied to speed)
  • Savingpercentage– apercentagemeasureofhowmuchsmallerthecompressed fileis.
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Without testing there is a chance that the code, under certain circumstances, it may not work.

  • Logic errors (where the code produces the wrong result) are difficult to spot when coding and can be even harder to solve

The moretesting, the most robustthefinalsolutionwillbe

  • End users do not like software which crashes often or produces unexpected results.

Tests must be repeatable

  • So that if it fails, the coder can put the same data in to diagnose the issue.

Normal: values which would occur under normal running conditions Invalid:Valueswhich shouldnotbeacceptedandmustnot crash the algorithm Borderline: values which are at the edge of acceptable range

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Programming Paradigms

The fundamental structure and approach of a programming language.

  • Programswritten in a procedural language will run from the start to end sequentially intol a control statement is encountered.

Procedural: worksequentially andaremadeof a series of commands intended to run one after another.

  • Madeupofstatements
  • Use statements to change the state of the program
  • Simplest form of programming paradigm and normally learnt first

Visual: use of intuitive user interfaces to help build programs rather than relying on text

  • Scratch – made upofaseriesofcharactersthatcanhaveactions applied to them by dragging and dropping code blocks.
  • Not idealforlarge or more advanced problems

Event driven: programs that rely heavily on user interaction.

  • Programs will sit in a loop waiting from the user to perform an action.
  • Will be a nested loop structure to direct the event to the correct listener.

Object Oriented programming: allows programs to be well structured and offer the potential forreusable code.

  • Encapsulation: the hiding of the implementation of a class and controlling access to its methods and attributes
  • Inheritance: passing attributes down like with parental genes
  • Objects:combinationofdataandactionsthat can operate on that data
  • Classes:definitionofanobjectwhichembodies all the information needed to create and manipulate objects of a particular type.
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Standards are set up and developed for companies to use to ensure that their products willintegrate withoneanother.

  • Importance relates to interoperability of software and hardware.
    • By implementing a standard you can have the confident that your product will work as part of a larger system
  • Issues due to the inherent complexities of software.
    • Challenging to tie down a single set of standards.
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Backus Naur Form

A way of writing down the grammar of a programming language

  • It definesrules that must be followed in order for the source code to be syntactically correct
  • Any tilesforaprogramminglanguage mustnot be ambiguous.


  • The ruleiswrittenas<rulename> ::-
  • Concatenation: elements of the BNF are written next to each others
  • Disjunction: elements are separated by the | symbol and effectively offer a choice of options
  • <digit> ::- 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
  • Recursion: allows rules to be iterative
  • <digits?::-<digit>|<digit><digits>
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Systems Analysis

A stakeholder is anyone who has a vested interest in the development of a system. Include:  

  • User
  • Programmer
  • Project manager
  • System analyst

Analyst of the computing system will include:

  • Problem definition: the current problem with the system will be investigated and initially agreed upon.
  • Feasibility: an investigation to ensure that the project is feasible by checking the following factors:
    • Economic
    • Time
    • Technical
    • Legal
  • Fact finding: gather information needed to accuracy define the new system to be built, using the following methods:
    • Observation
    • Questionnaire
    • Interview
    • Collecting documentation
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Based on the requirements specification and is broken down into output, input, processing and storage design.

Input: interface design shows how information will be input into the new system and also how it will be displayed after processing.

Output: be carried out in a similar way to input design. Triggers are used when a new order is sent into the system; if the trigger can not be identified then output will never be seen.

Data structure: fundamental to how a system will. It dictates what data needs to be stored and how that data will be organised.

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Abstraction – the process of separating concrete instances of a solution from the ideas that were used to solve them.

  • Control abstraction: hides actions and programming control, such as if statements.
  • Data abstraction: hides how bits are organised for primitive data types such as floating point or dates.
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Adaptive – the developers fixes bugs and adds extra functionality to the system.

  • New features tend to be added based on external needs.

Corrective – simply fixes problems as they arise to ensure that the system closely matches the original specification

  • Fix problems without breaking the system or adding functionality

Perfective – completely matches the original specification with no problems at all.

  • Direct mapping from requirements to implementation.
  • Requires performance is impossible when possible
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Incremental – the entire system is designed before being divided into separate modules or subsystems

  • Software is generated quickly so users get a chance to give feedback
  • New functionality can easily be added to the existing product
  • Encourages very thorough testing, as each individual  module is tested before released

Iterative – deliver a filly working system up front but then build on this functionality with every additional release.

  • Enable customers to experience the system from an early stage in development and to provide feedback on changes they would like to be made.
  • Easy to spot problems early on

Prototyping – seeks to combine the iterative and incremental developments by providing a cut down version of the final product

  • allows a system to be quickly built in order to demonstrate ideas and concepts to the customer.
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Compilers and Interpreters

Compiler converts source code written in a high level language into machine code

  • Produces a standalone executable file which can be released to others without need for further compilation
  • if software is to be ported to other systems and operating systems, it need not only to be recompiled, but also coded differently

Interpreters handles the job of translating code differently

  • it translates each code into machine code line by line
  • can be run on any system as long as an interpreter is installed


  • Source code has to be written only once and can run on any computer
  • easily inspect the contents of variables
  • test code more efficiently


  • Must have an interpreter on the computer
  • Runs slowly
  • Developers can view the source code
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Intermediate Code, Assemblers and Opcode

Virtual machines represent a generic computer residing within the computer that running it.

  • Process virtual machines act as interpreters for generic machine code instrcutions known as intermediate code.

Assemblers allows the coder to write using mnemonics that represent machine code instructions.

  • Binary representation of an instruction that can be on CPU architecture
  • A form of translator

Opcodes are part of machine code instructions

  • A specific binary value that represents a single instruction
  • Sometimes data is split overmultiplebytes meaning the next set of bytes fetched will actually be the data from the last instruction
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Lexical Analysis: parses source code and decides whether each line contains keywords, variables, constants,etc accepted by the language

  • A token is a numeric representation of a keyword or identifier
  • Does notchecksyntax or the order of keywords and operators; simply prepares the code for syntax analysis.

SyntaxorSemantic Analysis: once tokens are generated, checks the order of expressions using the token stream

  • Abstract syntax trees (is passed on to the next phase of compilation which can guarantee correct syntax)

Machine Code Generation: matches parts of syntax to machine code to optimise the generated machine code

  • Converts elements of the abstract tree into machine code
  • Allocate registers to minimise memory access
  • Optimise themachinecodetoimproveefficiency

Linking: links the generated machine code to library software; it will add loaders to the code to enable dynamic library linking.

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