0.8 and 0.9
- Created by: Schofe98
- Created on: 02-06-17 15:18
Systems and application software
System software allows control over the hardware and software of the computer; essential in order to perform even the most basic tasks
Application software is software that allows a user to carry out a specific task
- Some software bundled with the operating system maybe application or utility software.
Operating Systems
All software make use of theOSinordertoperform basic tasks such as saving files.
- Even the simple process of opening a new window.
Operating system
Hardware devices
The OS is responsible for managing the computer’s resources;
- It ensures that different process can utilise the PCU and do not interfere with each other or crash
- Ensure that all tasks appear to run simultaneously on a multi-tasking os.
Interface between user and hardware
Hardware drivers are simply software that understands how to talk directly to a given piece of hardware.
–Drivers are normally produced by the manufacturer of the hardware, but can be produced by OS or open source community.
Hardwareandsoftware can trigger interrupts and these are then dealt with by calling an interrupt service routine.
Managing Backing Stores
Information about files is stored in an index known as the file allocation table (FAT)
- How the table is managed, what error detection is used and redundancy in failure is determined by the file system
Block journaling will store the data to be saved in the journal before committing it to hard drive.
- The data must be saved twice which has a clear performance penalty.
- offers the most tolerance as if a write fails
FAT - will store the location of all files on the hard drive and store metadata about the file.
Utility Software
Designed to perform a commonplace task eg transferring data from one storage device to another.
- Filemanaging utility – file management enables user to do simple file manipulations
- Alone itaccomplishes very little.
- Cannot openfiles,asthat is the responsibility of the program
- Compression software – used to compress files to reduce their overall size
- Closest to minimum size without losing any data.
- When it becomes compresses it is unreadable until it is decompressed by the original utility software
- Task managers – allow the user to view the processes currently running on a system and see what resoruces each is utilising.
- Helpful withbottleneckissues
- Killing unresponsive processes
- Anti virus software – virus is a malicious code that can infect and spread itself through a user’s email, seocondary storage devices and social network.
- Protects theuseragainstthese threats
- Scans everygileandallthememorylookingforevidenceofviruses
Batch Processing
Performs many similar tasks serially without the need for user intervention.
- Each jobcanonlydifferinthedataituses
- Have a large number of smiliar tasks
- Can berunwith no user intervention
- Able torunduringout of office hours
Operating System Types
Single user – only one user can be active at once
Multi user – run on more powerful computers or servers that can allow timesharing of system resources by multiple people simultaneously.
Multi-tasking – process of swapping applications in and out of the CPU, giving the illusion that they are running in parallel
- Computers are serial so they can only do one thing at a time
- Can fail easily if a process takes a lot of processing time or crashes as they user will see the process hang or become unresponsive
Multi-programming – stores more than one job in the computer’s main memory at the same time.
- Preventing the CPU from being idle while waiting for a slower periphal.
Real time- must respond within a certain amount of time, sometimes considerate to be immediate, to input provided to the system.
Interrupts and Buffers
An interrupt is an electronic signal oraprocessgenerated signal that is sent to the CPU to inform it hat a device or process requires attention.
- Common interrupts include storage devices, timers, periphals,powerandsoftware and hardware failures.
Interupt service routine are bits of code that are run when an interrupt occurs
- Norammly within a device driver
- Running – currently has CPU time
- Blocked – waiting for an operation to complete
- Ready o run – waiting fortheCPU
Buffers are used on devices to allow the CPU to perform other tasks while data is being saved
Threading and Polling
Threading: A methods of splitting a process into multiple smaller processes to take advantage of multiple cores.
- Each thread is managed by the scheduler separately meaning they could run in a different order
- Can take advantage of multiple cores and technologies
- No control overthe order the threads are done it could lead to slowing of processes.
- Takes place during a synchronous activity.
A setofmechanical and sequential steps that are followed in order to take some form of input and process it to form an output
- Mathematical concept
- Pseudocode – a generic programming language that is not meant to be run directly or compiled, but rather sed to represent algorithmic ideas.
Flowchartsareusedtorepresentthepseudocode of an algorithm.
- Long cycle: start or end of a flow chart
- Diamond: a decision or statement (always has two lined coming off it)
- Rectangle: a process that happens within the algorithms (does not produce input or output)
- Rhombus: usedtoshowoutput
- Rectriangle:manualinputusedtogather information from the user
Constants, Variables and Self Deocumenting
Variable – named location in memory that a programmer can use to store data whilst the program is running.
Constants – thevaluewillnotchange.
- Can beusedas an identifier to store data
- The coder can treat standard variables as constants and not change the values
- One avariable isdefineditalifespan;thiscanbethe whole time the program is running.
Local Variables – can only be accessed by subroutine they have declared in.
Global variables – available throughout to the program to any subroutines.
- can be accessed from any point in the program
Self documenting code is code which uses sensible identifiers, good layout and clear code to reduce the need for comments and other forms of documentation
Parameters and Procedures
Parameters provide an input into procedures and functions
- They become variables within the functions to allow the programmer access
Procedures do not return values while functions do
- Passing parameters by value will create a copy of the value.
- Passing by reference means that if the parameter is changed then the original will also change.
Recursion are functions which calls themselves and is a methods of iteration.
Sorting and Searching
1.Linear – starts at the first index in the array and compare the search item to every item until that item is found
2.Binary – a divide and conquer which requires the initial array to be sorting before.
Sequencing and Selection
Sequence is the order in which programming statements are executed Selection will choose one of two paths to follow based on a condition. Repetition oriterationwillrepeat a block of code until a condition is met.
- For
- While
- Repeat/until
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