LAW01 Subject / Revision Planner
Here is a study planner I have created to aid with my own revision for the LAW01 exam. Each point under all topics states what is exactly wanted by the exam board taken from examiners reports and past mark schemes. I have only included Parliamentary Law Making, Delegated Legislation and Civil Courts and ADR as these are the only topics I will be revising myself. Furthermore, each centre chooses what topics to teach to the students so what one student my learn at one school, another student may learn something different elsewhere. Nevertheless, I hope this is of use if you are studying any of these topics.
Each table gives a list of areas that need to be covered in that topic. There is a "Created Resource?" column and a "Revised?" column alongside it. As a default they're all set to red, however as you progress in your revision and resource making, the entire spreadsheet will eventually turn green. Feel free to add extra columns or remove/add anything as I am sharing this for your benefit.
Happy revising!
- Created by: GeorgeB16
- Created on: 29-03-16 10:59
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