What caused Russia to leave WW1


What caused Russia to leave WW1


  • Four million Russians had been killed wounded or taken prisoner the army took away so many villages. It was difficult cope with and cost alot and the Russian people were fed
  • Tsar was replaced by a provisional government, after a while their popularity grew weak. Thanks to the Kernolv revolt they were soon seen as weak.They had little control of the army and many of the Russian people did not support them.
  • October 1917 the Bolsheviks took advantage of the government’s unpopularity.Bolsheviks were negotiating a way out of Russia.


  • There was a shortage of labour all of the negative cause made the Russians sign theTreaty of Brest-Litovsk in March 1918, this gave Germany; Finland, Poland andthe Baltic provinces and Ukraine
  • Russia lost one third of the population of the empire, a large portion of its farming land and three quarters of its industries and Germany used these industries to support their fighting
  • 500,000 German soldiers, who had been fighting on the Eastern Front, went to help with the fight on the Western Front

Overall summary

Russia leaving WW1 caused a large impact on Germany because it closed of a lot of their extra troupes to leave because they didn't have the same back up from Russia.


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