The UK is a modern mission field A02


The UK is a modern mission field A02


  • A mission field is anyplace that has residents that are not yet followers of Jesus and so by that definition the UK is a mission field
  • The holy trinity Brompton evangelical church would agree as their vision is to ‘play our part in the evangelisation of the nations’
  • Pentecostals see the sharing of good news of Jesus part of their main activities
  • The statistics show that the UK is a mission field
  • Reverse missionaries


  • Mission doesn’t have to be about converting people it can offer humanitarian aid
  • Conversion of souls is not something humans should be doing, this should be left to god
  • The UK is a Christian country headed by the monarch and led by 21 Bishops so we are definitely not a mission field
  • The UK still heavily favour birth, deaths and marriages to be celebrated in church
  • Christianity is not in decline it is just dormant as we can see themes of Christianity in the media such as in Harry Potter
  • The Archbishop of Canterbury often shares political views showing the church is still involved with the state


It can be easily argues that the UK isn’t a modern mission field as there are many statistics to show that there is growth within different churches, such as Pentecostalism. Furthermore, there are also many examples to show that Christianity is very much ingrained within British culture and politics. However, the fact that there is a declining belief in Christianity shows that the UK is becoming secular. 


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