The Cognitive Approach to Psychology


The Cognitive Approach to Psychology


  • scientific and objective
  • application to everyday life
  • less determinist than other approaches
  • simple modelling (due to machine reductionism)


  • based on machine reductionism
  • lacks external validity


One advantage of cognitive psychology is that it uses scientific methods of study, such as lab studies. This means that variables can be controlled - limiting the number of possible confounding variables - therefore, increasing the internal validity. This makes the approach more credible and reliable.Cognitive psychology has enabled the growth of knowledge into intelligence - furthering the advances in artificial intelligence. This is likely to change the way we live in the future. Therefore, cognitive psychology is more likely to be used as it has applications to real life and scientific progress.This approach is less determinist than other approaches - such as, the behaviourist approach. This is because, while the behaviourist approach believes that a stimulus causes a reaction; the cognitive approach theorises that, within certain limits, we are free to cognitively process our behaviour before carrying it out - we have a sort of, free will.A disadvantage of the cognitive approach is that it is based on 'machine reductionism'. This means that it uses computer models as a way of likening human mental processes to that of a machine. This is seen as a disadvantage because it does not take into account the variables that may influence behaviour in humans, that are not present in a computer system - such as emotions. Therefore, it is argued that this cannot fully explain mental processes and behaviour. However, this can be seen as an advantage because it is able to create models that are simple and easy to understand - especially in order to explain to non-scientists how the human mind works. Finally, a disadvantage of the approach is that it can lack external validity. This is because cognitive psychologists have to observe behaviour, and then make assumptions of the mental processes influencing it - this may not be accurate and is claimed to be too abstract and theoretical. It also uses methods of study that are often artificial - such as word lists. This means that it cannot be generalised to life outside of a lab, as demand characteristic may cause skewed and inaccurate findings.


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