- Snowball is an intelligent and ambitious pig - he was "full of plans for innovations and improvements"
- Snowball is organised - "snowball also bruised himself with organising the other animals"
- "Snowball was a more vicarious pig than Napoleon, quicker in speech and more inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth"
- Snowball is a good speaker - "at meetings Snowball often won over the majority by his brilliant speeches"
- Snowball want to help all the animals and cares about them - "the reading and writing classes however were a great success. By the autumn almost every animal on the farm was literate in some degree."
- By the end of the novel Snowball becomes a victim to propaganda - he was accused of "been openly fighting on Jones' side" and had "charged into battle with the words 'long live humanity!' on his lips"
- Snowball is yet still quite a Ruthless Character - "the only good human being is a dead one."
- Snowball is Brave and strategic - "Snowball launched his first line of attack"
- Snowball represents Trotsky in the novel. he is an idealist who is out manovered by his ruthless opponent Napoleon.
- Snowball and Napoleon have different views about Animals issue - these disagreement parallel that of Stalin and Trotsky
- Snowball is quick to promote the revolution to the other animals
- he teaches the animals new skills
- although Snowball appears to care for the animals, he does support Napoleon's seizure of the apples
- Snowball fights in the battle of the cowshed
- Snowball does not notice Napoleon's climb to power
- Snowball is nearly killed by the dogs and flees from the farm
- Snowball gets the blame for everything that goes wrong and is called a traitor
- after Stalin gained power, he had political opponents such as Trotsky airbrushed out of photographs and after their murders attempted to erase them from history.