- Had developed a good reputation for leading Britain to victory in WW2.
- Had an excellent campaign against Attlee’s Labour party.
- Voted into power at an advantageous time, economically-wise.
- Charismatic speaker.
- Under Eden’s supervision, 300,000 houses built each year, as promised in campaign.
- Old; had health issues; a stroke in ‘53, for example.
- Feared nuclear war; fancied himself an ‘elder statesman’.
- Visited US frequently, as a result. Hardly a domestic politician.
- Fickle with Parties; was Conservative, then Liberal, then Conservative, again.
- Day-to-day governing was left to Chancellor RAB or acting PM, Eden.
- Three key politicians, RAB, Eden, and Macmillan, were rivals, so inter-party conflict.
- Eden was quite impatient for Churchill to resign.
- Put people into positions they unsuited to; RAB as Chancellor.
- Unable to accept that Britain not a superpower.
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