- Inquisitive - wants to know about Boo and go to Calpurnia's house
- Intelligent - she could read and write before she started school
- Tomboy - she's insulted when Jem says: "I declare to the Lord you're getting more like a girl every day!"
- Not afraid to fight people who insults Atticus
- Well-meaning and thinks the best of people - e.g. saving the situation by innocently trying to make small talk with Mr Cunningham outside Tom's cell
- Narrator - she makes it humorous - e.g. when Scout screams "the world's ending" when she first sees snow, and she can't understand why Atticus isn't pleased to see her when she bounds up to him when he's surrounded by the lynch mob
- Less biased viewpoint - not prejudiced against blacks the way most of the white people of Maycomb are
- We have to work out some things for ourselves - she's too young and innocent to understand what's going on
- Scout is more aware of what is going on: she goes from being scared of Boo Radley, to walking him home at the end of the novel, after he saves Jem's life
- When Scout says: "It was times like these when I thought my father, who hated guns and had never been to any wars, was the bravest man who ever lived.", it suggests she's changed and matured a lot since the start, because she's saying that fighting in wars isn't necessarily what makes you brave, you can be brave without doing that
- When Atticus is talking to Scout at the start of the novel, he says: "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."