Native Americans




Pre 1865 original lifestyles

Getting Started

1840s Gold rush 

1840s Westward expansion 

1861-65 Civil war

1862-67 Plain wars

1862 Homestead act 

1865 UPR construction began

1865 onwards Reservations policy 

1840s onwards Manifest destiny 

1876 Battle of Little Bighorn 

1887 Dawes act 

1890 Massacre of wounded knee

1898 The Curtis act 

1902 Cherokee nation v Hitchcock 

1903 Lone wolf v Hitchcock 

1911 SAI formed 

1914-18 WWI

1924 Indian citizenship act

1928 Mariam report 

1933 Roosevelts new deal 

1934 Wheeler Howard act 

1939-45 WWII 

1944 NCAI formed 

1946-78 ICC formed

1948 Harrison v Laveen 

1953-68 Termination policy 

1956 Indian vocational training act 

1961 NIYC formed 

1961-63 JFK president 

1960s Red power 

1968 Johnson’s forgotten American 

1968 AIM formed 

1969-71 Alcatraz siege 

1971 Occupation of Mt Rushmore

1972 Na given preference in employment in the burea of Indian affairs 

1972 AIM took over the bureau of Indian affairs 

1973 The occupation of wounded knee 

1975 Indian self determination act 

1975 Indian education assistance act 

1974 Oneida v Oneida and Maddison counties New York 

1975 American Indian policy review 

1976 Fisher v Montana

1978 The Indian child welfare act 

1980 United States v Sioux nation 

1982 Seminole tribe v butterworth 

1986 Charrier v bell

1990 Native American graves protection and repatriation act 

1992 Columbus Day protest


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