Macbeth and My Heart Is Like A Withered Nut!


Macbeth and My Heart Is Like A Withered Nut!


  • In my heart is like a withered nut: "lies cold, and stiff, and sad" implies death which links to Duncan's corpse in Macbeth.
  • repetition in both. In Macbeth the witches say "double, double, toil and trouble" which gives across the point they are making a spell/potion. In my heart is like a withered nut it repeats "my heart is like a withered nut" at the beginning of every stanza to show how her heart is really broken.
  • Both include alliteration to give across a point. In my heart is like a withered nut she says "that shrunken heart shall swell anew". In Macbeth it says "cabin'd cribbed, confin'd".
  • Metaphor's in both. In my heart is like a withered nut it says "where hung the sun-lit fruit, which now lies cold, and stiff, and sad, like me!". This implies she is the tree, her son is the fruit on it and it is hung with dead babies. In Mabeth: "The thane of cawdor lives. Why do you dress me in borrow'd robes?


  • It is about the death of all her family and how she feels. Macbeth is about the greed for power.
  • Her husband took everything from her but in Macbeth it is Lady Macbeth (his wife) that takes things form him to manipulate him to do what she wants.
  • Links to nature in my heart is like a withered nut to talk about her children but in Macbeth nothing to do with nature.

Overall comparison

Overall, the poems are very different in the sense that they talk about two different subjects but they do share some similarities in that the language devices she uses.


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