Evaluation of the Biological Model of Psychopathology


Evaluation of the Biological Model of Psychopathology


  • Ethics: no blame attitude. The biological model is ethical because patients may feel reassured that they are not to blame for their illness
  • Objective: this model is objective because it deals with quantitative data and facts with scientific backing


  • Reductionist: the biological model is reductionist because it only considers the most basic ideas and ignores that sometimes abnormality can be linked to actions
  • Deterministic: it does not account for free will in it's explanation of abnormality, it suggests it is entirely out of our control
  • Ethics: passive patients. Some patients may not take responsibility for their treatment because they feel there is no point as their abnormality will always be there whether they make any effort or not to cure themselves.
  • Nature vs Nurture: the biological approach is on the nature side of the debate because it focuses on what our genetic or physical condition gives us.


Overall the biological model of psychopathology can be useful in determining the cause of abnormality and the treatments are largely effective. It's good that this model is objective as opposed to subjective because it means that it is backed up by scientific evidence. However, the deterministic and reductionist elements of this model renders it useless in some cases where the symptoms may be much more specific or may not be covered in this model.


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