Evaluate public limited company as a form of business organisation.

  • Created by: jerd
  • Created on: 10-05-23 20:00

Evaluate public limited company as a form of business organisation.


  • raising capital - can issue shares for sale to the general public + are able to gain access to these funds interest free (lenders consider Plc's less risky due to their size)
  • limited liability - not personally liable for debts of company (shareholders only liable for of shares they purchased + personal assets are protected)
  • continuity - company is unlikely impacted by death of shareholders as shares can be rescinded or re-issued to other shareholders
  • specialisation - greater no. of directors who may specialise in areas which they have comparative skills advantage  (specialisation gives Plc's competitive advantage in the marketplace)


  • lack of privacy - required to submit financial statements to Registrar of Companies (analysts scrutinise management decisions + their results)
  • set up costs - much more complicated than Ltd with regards to directors + expense due to legal fees
  • threat of takeover - value of Plc is determined by current share price on stock exchange (threat of takeover may increase as company is underperforming
  • ownership + control - difficulties may arise when directors don't act in best interest of shareholders


- plc after its name  - owners called shareholders  - separate legal existence from owners  - lengthy legal process to set up  - controlled by Board of Directors  - run by Managing Director  - divorce of ownership + control


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