Christian Creation Account


Chrisitian Creation Account


  • It provides humans with a special status
  • They are made in God's image and are completely different from other creatures
  • They are a result of God's will and not a cosmic accident
  • They have an important purpose in life
  • It provides simple answers to important questions
  • Illustrates the power of God


  • It provides two completely different stories - both can't be correct
  • Written at a time when people had a very limited understanding of the universe
  • The purpose of the story is not to explain how people were created but why
  • Scientists have shown that people evolved from other creatures and they say there is no scientific evidence to support the Adam and Eve story


The Christian creation account provides humans with a purpose in life. We were made for a reason by a creator and are completely different form other creatures. Humans are not just a result of chance. The creation stories show the power of God. However the stories were written at a time where people had very limited knowledge of the universe and times have changed and we have learned more about the universe over time. There is no scientific evidence to support the stories and they do not explain how human beings were made only why.


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