Blood Brothers: Mrs Johnstone




  • Naturally maternal character, embracing new life and being a caring person.
  • Rash decision on impulse. For example, she buys lots of items from a catalogue on credit despite knowing she probably won’t be able to pay for them later.
  • Strong, generous character knowing almost instinctively what’s right and wrong,
  • Largely unselfish because she is shown only to have concern for the child, foreseeing a more comfortable life for him.
  • Naturally a kind and loving mother
  • Hard to discipline her children and keep them under control.
  • lively and has a zest for life. This can be clearly seen in her love of dancing, but also in her general attitude,
  • Happy-go-lucky, follows her instincts.
  • At the start of the play she is working for Mrs Lyons, she finds that she is having twins.
  • At first she refuses Mrs Lyons attempts to bribe her but she agrees under extreme pressure.
  • She is dismissed, she disapproves of Mickey & Eddie's friendship, and she gives Eddie the locket before he goes.
  • She rejoices due to the fact that she is being re-housed.
  • She jokes about Sammy getting suspended from school for burning the school down and blames it on the school "silly gets play with magnesium"
  • Later on when Mickey & Eddie meet again she doesn't stop them from becoming friends.
  • When Mickey goes to jail she convinces herself that it is only a light romance between Eddie & Linda.
  • Just before they die she tells them the truth.

Development (Growth & change)

Other information              

  • 25 years old at the start of the play and has already had seven children.
  • Refuses Mrs Lyons’ attempts to bribe her showing that she values people above money
  • Does agree under extreme pressure to give Mrs Lyons one of her children.
  • Superstitious "shoes on the table" sign of bad luck.
  • lacks concern for the education of her children, taking little interest when Mickey & Sammy are suspended from school.
  • She does not really concern herself with causes or explanations of the events in her life, instead accepting them as they happen.
  • Religious rulings against contraception?
  • Circumstances make it hard for her to be a straightforwardly ‘good’ person.
  • When Sammy burns the school down instead of scolding him she casually jokes that it was the school’s fault for letting ‘the silly gets play with magnesium’.
  • Uneducated and does not value intellectual or academic pursuits.
  • Poor & trapped by poverty. This makes it very difficult for her to care for her children and is ultimately the reason that she gives Edward away to Mrs Lyons.
  • Sacrifice any youthful enjoyment for the life she has.
  • Superstition: 'If either twin finds out that he was once a pair they will both immediately die' Mrs Lyons to Mrs Johnstone.


Paul Dutton


An informative guide to this character, good for some quick revision.



nice revision resource



i just came here as it said TEACHERS RECOMMENDATION




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