You by Carol Ann Duffy
- Created by: AntoBeck
- Created on: 09-10-19 13:20
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- Rapture: You
- Quotes
- 'Uninvited, the thought of you stayed too late in my head'
- Personificatio-n of thoughts
- 'Uninvited' suggests powerless or overpowered
- Quote suggests can't get their thoughts of their lover out of their head
- '...bed, dreaming of you hard, hard'
- suggests sex
- Repetition of 'hard' reinforces idea of sex
- This could connote to passionate or needy sex/ or marking = possessive/ possession
- ' a charm, like a spell'
- reinforces idea of control
- '...glamorous hell'
- euphoric, passionate, hot sex
- ****** pain
- '...beautiful, you strolled in'
- Sense of arrogance
- 'Stroll' can translate to entitlement = sense of owning and possession
- '...on the bed, like a gift, like a touchable dream'
- Idea of possession and obssession
- Immediacy
- 'Gift' signifies that it is special as gifts are not casual
- 'Touchable dream' could link to the idea of being in a spell
- Also could alludes to it being too good to be true
- 'Uninvited, the thought of you stayed too late in my head'
- Symbolisms
- Use of hellish words symbolises love and lust to be a sin
- Links to context
- Her structure symbolises her love not being traditional
- Use of hellish words symbolises love and lust to be a sin
- Context
- The symbolisms could relate to Carol Ann Duffy being a lesbian
- Shakespeare-an = Sonnet
- Added post-modernism to show the evolution of love
- Shakespeare-an = Sonnet
- The symbolisms could relate to Carol Ann Duffy being a lesbian
- Semantics
- Obsessive
- Sexual innuendos
- Provocative
- Form and Tone
- Similar form to a Sonnet
- 3 quatrains and a couplet
- Similar form to a Sonnet
- Phonology
- 'Soft, salt'
- Sibilance = juxtaposition as salt is normally associated with harsh flavour and texture
- 'Hard, Hard'
- Harsh affricate sounds suggests moans or heavy breathing
- Kill, Flame, Fierce
- Plosive sounds are harsh and rough = passion, lust and desire
- 'Soft, salt'
- Graphology/ Structure
- Could be a subversion of love having a tempestuous (conflicting) nature
- Not traditional, this could be why it does not follow the structure of a sonnet.
- The last stanza could replicate a climax in the love or sex
- Quotes
- Intentional = to present a chaotic nature of love
- Presents the conflicting nature of love
- Similar form to a Sonnet
- 3 quatrains and a couplet
- The symbolisms could relate to Carol Ann Duffy being a lesbian
- Shakespeare-an = Sonnet
- Added post-modernism to show the evolution of love
- Shakespeare-an = Sonnet
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