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- Created by: Tomdavis8326
- Created on: 27-02-20 07:56
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- To what extent was Wolsey Alter Rex (25 Marks).
- Political Partners
- The Amicable Grant 1525
- Wolsey acted without Henry
- Caused riots
- Henry had to cancel it
- Caused riots
- Wolsey acted without Henry
- Wolsey planned a surprise attack on French Navy 1522
- Henry felt this plan was careless
- It fell through
- Henry felt this plan was careless
- Fell out over appointment on a abbess to the nunnery at Wilton, Wiltshire 1528
- Wolsey ignored Henry
- Had to grovel an apologise after
- Wolsey ignored Henry
- In 1522, England declared war on France
- Despite Wolsey's reservations
- Achieved little
- Due to lack of support from Charles V
- The Amicable Grant 1525
- Alter Rex
- He broke Church rules
- No one picked up on it because of his high
- E.G. not visiting dioceses
- Had 2 illegitimate children
- No one picked up on it because of his high
- Eltham Ordinances 1526
- Removed those close to Henry without suspicion
- Even though it was for his own benefit.
- Removed those close to Henry without suspicion
- Court of the Star Chamber
- Used power to challenge nobles
- Some believe he used it to get revenge
- Used power to challenge nobles
- Built Hampton Court in his own design for himself
- When he died Henry moved into it
- Showed it was fit for a King
- When he died Henry moved into it
- Treaty Of London, October 1518
- Henry wanted to be a warrior king
- But Wolsey saw an opportunity for universal peace
- Following Pope Leo X calling for a general crusade to stop Ottoman power
- But Wolsey saw an opportunity for universal peace
- Henry wanted to be a warrior king
- He broke Church rules
- Political Partners
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