WWI advances in medical treatment
- Created by: EvinG
- Created on: 24-02-18 17:47
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- Attrition: wearing down the enemy
- Tactic used in WW1
- ww1 advances in medical treatment
- Powerful guns = More severe wounds
- Bullet wounds caused infection deep in body
- Surgeons searched for ways to prevent infections
- Didn't fully succeed
- Suffering inspired some to search harder for effective way to fight infection
- Surgeons searched for ways to prevent infections
- Bullet wounds caused infection deep in body
- X-rays
- invented before the war
- Used to find bullets and shrapnel in the body
- X-rays now being used routinely
- Blood transfusion
- Used effectively for the first time
- Improvement in methods of storing and transporting bood
- Low standard of health among recruits
- Made gov worried about the general pops health
- Want to improve healthcare at home more
- Made gov worried about the general pops health
- Soldiers promised good housing when they returned
- 'Homes for heroes'
- Speaded up getting rid of slums in britian
- areas rebuilt
- Speaded up getting rid of slums in britian
- 'Homes for heroes'
- Surgery
- Brocken bones commen
- New techniques developed to repair bones, and to preform skin grapghs
- Formed basis of plastic surgery
- New techniques developed to repair bones, and to preform skin grapghs
- Head wounds commen
- Brain surgery advanced
- Brocken bones commen
- Surgeons learned skill quickly in battlefield
- Specialist surgeon
- Bullet wounds caused infection deep in body
- Surgeons searched for ways to prevent infections
- Didn't fully succeed
- Suffering inspired some to search harder for effective way to fight infection
- Surgeons searched for ways to prevent infections
- Powerful guns = More severe wounds
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