World Development
- Created by: Victoria McClements
- Created on: 22-04-18 11:50
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- World Development
- The development gap
- Economic Indicators
- GNI- Gross National Income
- All the money earned by a country each year, divided by the nos. of people
- Disadvantage
- Some countries are expanding rapidly
- A wealthy country may not be developed socially (lack of basic eg clean water). Saudi Arabia.
- Wealth may not be distributed evenly.
- GNI- Gross National Income
- Social Inidcators
- Use the social welfare & quality of life of a pop. to identify a country's level of development
- Life expectancy-Nos of years a person is expected to live on av. of birth
- Adult Literacy- The % of people aged 15> who can read & write.
- Nos. of people per doctor- Total pop. divided nos of doctors.
- Use the social welfare & quality of life of a pop. to identify a country's level of development
- Combo of social & economic factors.
- HDI- Human Development Index
- A measure of development which has combined measures of wealth,health & education: mixing social & economic
- Units- a nos. between 0 & 1
- Includes adult literacy, life expectancy & GDP per person
- Disadvantage Too much emphasis on wealth & freedom of speech should be included
- How effective are the three?
- Economic indicators- GNI good for telling us roughly whether a country is rich or not.
- Disadvantage Wrongly assumes that everyone has equal share in its wealth in the country
- Social indicator- Averages hide variations in society. Good for adult literacy but hides the fact that boys go to school than girls
- Only using one indcator
- Farmers grow food for people in their country & are well fed. However farmers could export all the food and so the local people starve
- HDI has advantages
- Includes both social & economic factors.
- Education- shows the country's potential for development
- Shows how rich countries use their wealth. Oil rich country will have a low HDI
- Economic indicators- GNI good for telling us roughly whether a country is rich or not.
- HDI- Human Development Index
- Economic Indicators
- The development gap
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