Word Order
- Created by: Mikey18
- Created on: 30-01-19 18:52
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- Word Order
- Time, Manner, Palce
- Morgen gehe ich mit dem Auto zur Schule.
- When constructing a sentence in German you must always follow this structure.
- Modal Verbs
- When using Modal Verbs conjugate the Modal Verb and place the second verb to the end of the clause in its infinitive.
- Nächstes Jahr will ich nach Deutschland fahren.
- Wollen
- To wish/want to
- Sollen
- Should
- Dürfen
- To be allowed to
- Können
- To be able to
- Mögen
- To like
- Ich mag Eis.
- Müssen
- To have to
- Möchten
- Would like
- Möchten works like a Modal Verb but is not technically one.
- Clauses
- A clause is a part of a sentence. There are two types of clauses.
- Dependent Clause
- This clause is needs the Main clause in order to make sense.
- weil ich Milch brauche.
- Main Clause
- This is the point of the sentence. Works with or without the Dependent Clause
- Ich gehe einkaufen,
- weil ich Milch brauche.
- Basic Rules
- Verb is always the second idea in the sentence.
- The first idea can be a person or thing, an expression of time, a location.
- Conjunctions
- A Conjunction is a joining word, ie joins two sentences, phrases, words together.
- Co-ordinating Conjunctions
- und
- And
- aber
- But
- denn
- Because
- sondern
- But rather
- Used when the word 'nicht' is found in the first clause
- These Conjunctions do not chance word order
- und
- Suborinating Conjunctions
- ob
- Whether
- obgleich
- Although
- obwohl
- Although
- ohne das
- Without
- seit (dem)
- Since
- sobald
- As soon as
- so dass
- So that
- Während
- While
- Weil
- Because
- wenn
- If
- Wie
- How
- These Conjunctions change word order by sending the verb to the end of the clause. If a sentence begins with one of these the verbs meet in the middle
- ob
- Time, Manner, Palce
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