- Created by: Unknown26
- Created on: 29-04-14 11:57
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- Cardinal Wolsey 1514-29
- Early life
- Henry VII made Wolsey Royal Chaplain, however once Henry VII had died, Henry VIII, made Wolsey Royal Almoner and a Privy councillor
- 2 years after success in 1st French War, Wolsey was made to become a cardinal and Lord Chancellor of England
- Was a commoner as his father was a butcher, however he later studied at Oxford and was very intelligent, throughout the years he moved up the ranks and he later met Henry VII.
- Relationship with Henry
- Henry was always the master and Wolsey was always the servant, Wolsey was very good at manipulating others but certainly not Henry.
- Henry trusted Wolsey and was willing to give him his independence just as long as he would serve his master.
- Henry decided on policy but let Wolsey implement it
- Wolsey knew his position depended on Henry, even though he held 'legatus a latere' Wolsey still had to tread carefully, especially because the nobles didn't like him as he was a commoner
- Wolsey was very hard working and Henry allowed him to have his own wealth and power base (this would not threaten him) he also didn't trust the nobles, so used Wolsey as his spy.
- Kept the relationship for 15 years
- Domestic policy
- Law
- The Court of Star Chamber - Wolsey wanted it to create cheap justice for the poor and imparital justice and corruption to be rooted out and he used this to challenge the nobles
- The Court of Chancery - Wolsey made decisions here which created legal precedents, cases were dealt with for wills, property and contracts - established permanent judicial committee to deal with cases brought by the poor - court was in high demand
- Finance
- Act of Resumption 1515 - Increase the Crowns lands as many had been returned during the start of Henrys reign, so the act allowed land to be returned.
- The Subsidy - Wanted the subsidy to replace the tax because it was a more accurate value of the taxpayers wealth.
- The Amicable Grant - Additional tax, demanded in 1525, to fund Henry's expedition to France, rebellion in East Anglia
- Untitled
- Law
- Early life
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