- Created by: Steff06
- Created on: 14-04-16 14:02
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- Wikstrom
- Aims:
- To study a range of factors and identify which are most significant in PREDICTING the future criminality of individuals.
- To study the INTERACTION between individual's life-style RISK and its influence on offending. Factors studied are POVERTY, DISADVANTAGE, SUBSTANCE ABUSE.
- Design:
- SNAPSHOT study. QUESTIONNAIRES conducted in 2000-2001. Response rate was 92%. 20% of original sample was INTERVIEWED about a week's activities.
- Data on their neighbourhood (PETERBOROUGH) was obtained from 1991 census. Studied crimes: VIOLENCE, VANDALISM, SHOPLIFTING, BURGALRY, THEFT.
- Participants:
- 1957 students from 13 state schools in the PETERBOROUGH AREA. Age between 14 and 15 years old.
- Results:
- People who commit crimes commit a wide RANGE of crimes. 45% of MALES studied had committed at least 1 of the studied crimes. 31% of females had studied at least 1 of the studied crimes.
- Offenders who commit crimes FREQUENTLY, tend to commit a wide RANGE of crimes. Also more likely to be involved in alcohol and drug abuse.
- 9.8% of males and 3.8% of females had committed a serious crime of theft such as ROBBERY, BURGLARY, THEFT FROM A CAR , THEFT OF A CAR.
- Conclusions:
- Individuals with high PROTECTIVE factors are LESS likely to offend than those with LOW protective factors.Individuals with HIGH RISK factors are MORE likely to commit crime.
- Personality factors:Poor self control, low shame, antisocial values. Lifestyle risk factors: Time with peers in public settings, drink and drugs, truancy from school.
- Protective factors: Strong family bond, parental monitoring, school attendance.
- Key risk factors: Weak family bonds, weak school bonds, weak parental monitoring, truancy, social class, disadvantaged neighbourhoods, weak morality, poor self-control.
- Aims:
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