Why is the constitution rarely amended?
- Created by: Isabella
- Created on: 09-04-14 21:35
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- Why is the Constitution rarely amended?
- The Founding Fathers deliberately created a difficult amendment system
- Wanted a stable political society
- FF wanted to ensure nothing was passed on political whim
- The vagueness of the constitution has allowed the document to evolve without constant need for amendments
- Open for different interpretations at different times
- Allows it to change easily with time
- Judicial review allows the Supreme Court to amend the meaning of the Constitution without actually altering the words
- Reinterpretation possible at different times
- Changes constitution without lengthy process
- Politicians often are cautious of tampering with it because of its reverence within US society
- Seen as a sacred document
- Very proud of it
- Politicians need to keep in favour of electorate to ensure re election
- Unsure future regarding amendments
- Could result in lots of repeals
- Don't know whether amendments could work
- eg- 18th Amendment prohibiting alcohol was repealed just 14 years later
- The Founding Fathers deliberately created a difficult amendment system
- Unsure future regarding amendments
- Could result in lots of repeals
- Don't know whether amendments could work
- eg- 18th Amendment prohibiting alcohol was repealed just 14 years later
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