Why congress passed laws to limit the number of immigrants to the USA in the early 1920's
- Immigrant/Emergency Quota Act 1921- limited the number of immigrants allowed in to 357,000. Each Ethnic group allowed in was 3% of population.
- National Origins Act 1924, reduced previous to 2%.
- Immigration Act 1929, reduced number of immigrants allowed in to 150,000
- Created by: edie cooke
- Created on: 04-05-13 11:57
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- Why congress passed laws the limit the number of immigrants to the USA in the early 1920's
- Economic
- Immigrants blamed for pushing wage levels down.
- Social
- Didn't integrate into general US society.
- By 1920's settlements had formed, Italians in Chicago.
- Red Scare
- 1919/1920 believed immigrants a danger to national security.
- This prejudice continued into the 20's.
- 1919/1920 believed immigrants a danger to national security.
- Economic
- The public feared immigrants, KKK members increased.
- Government put pressure on by the public.
- More acts had to be passed due to high amounts of immigration that remained after the war.
- The public feared immigrants, KKK members increased.
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