Why was Churchill out of office so long? 1929-39
- Created by: hastr010
- Created on: 14-05-18 20:51
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- Why was Churchill out of office for so long? 1929-39
- India
- Victorian beliefs
- Imperialist
- 'Jewel in the crown'
- Believed that the only thing that kept conflict out of India was Anglo-Saxon influence
- Believed Indians were unable to govern themselves
- believed independence would have large economic consequences on the cotton industry
- Viewed Gandhi disdainfully - racist
- Rejected the round table conferences of 1920-32 - created by Lord Irwin and approved of by many
- Appeasement/Rearmament
- Wanted to re-arm Britain
- He had been for disarming so this change in opinion seemed radical
- The war has only ended in 1929 and the thought of re-arming scared people. Britain had not yet fully recovered mentally and economically from the war
- Hitler introduced conscription in 1935
- Hitler militarised the Rhineland in 1936
- Churchill had been part of the original team that created the Treaty of Versailles so was reluctant to let Hitler get away with breaking it
- He attempted to create a Grand Alliance, but many of the countries were still weak from the war: Russia, France. (the USA was isolationist)
- Churchill's re-introduction of the Gold standard had in 1925 meant that Britain was in economic decline and therefore incapable of rearming.
- Abdication Crisis
- Member of the 'King's Friends'
- Many disapproved of Wallis-Simpson because she was American and twice divorced
- Edward VIII had to abdicate
- Caused issues within his party as parliament refused to give Edward permission for a Morganatic marriage. Baldwin and the rest of his party 'abandoned' him
- Misjudged the public's mood
- Many were Christian and marrying a 'divorcee' would go against the church
- India
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