Why people chose to become vegetarians
- Created by: emmimargita
- Created on: 15-06-16 13:42
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- Why do people become vegetarians?
- Ethics/morals
- they may not like the idea of killing animals for meat
- The intense faming methods used
- Personal prefences
- Don't like the sensory properties
- Taste, texture, aroma or appearance
- The thought of eating it
- Don't like the sensory properties
- Religion
- Certain religions are not permitted to consume certain animal products
- Family inflences
- Been brought up not eating meat
- Cost
- Some believe its expensive to buy or eat meat
- Therefore its more economic to become a vegetarian as its cheaper
- Some believe its expensive to buy or eat meat
- Some believe its healthier
- Less saturated fats
- Want to avoid eating the meat that's had hormones plumped into it
- Ethics/morals
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