Alexander III Reaction and Repression
- Created by: joe_beck0
- Created on: 27-04-17 20:35
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- Why did Alexander III carry out a policy of reaction & repression
- Alexander II Tsar Liberator
- After defeat in the Crimean war, Alexander III convinced Russia to modernise this lead to reforms in the 1860s
- 1861: Emancipation Of Serfs
- 1864: Local Government reform
- 1864: Judicial reforms
- 1863-65: Military reforms
- 1865: Censorship was less strict
- Assassinated by peoples will because they thought that his reforms didn't go far enough
- Impact of assassination
- Alexander III hardened his view towards opposition. He wanted to crush any revolutionary movements
- Police was strengthened and powers of the Okhrana were introduced.
- Social and political reforms were halted which Alexander III created.
- Success of his assassination made the Tsarist system appear vulnerable.
- Alexander III was convinced that his father made the terrible error to reform. So he carried out reaction and repression
- Konstantin Pobedonastev
- Tsar Chief Advisor, he wanted strong control over people
- Believed in Autocratic rule and lead the Russification policy
- Russification
- Only 45% of Russians in Russia so they made eveyone speak the language and become Russian Orthodox
- Alexander II Tsar Liberator
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