Korean War - Why the US and UN entered the war
- Created by: Alasdair
- Created on: 04-04-17 11:43
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- Why Americans entered War
- 1950: US and UN involvement in War
- 25th June: NK attacked SK
- UN Secretary General Trygve Lie: "This is war against the UN"
- War debated by UN security Council (USSR was not there, they boycotted meeting because China had no seat on UN)
- Resolution passed requesting NK withdraw
- 27th June: UN declared they would oppose NK
- N attacked S
- SK plus 'US advisors' (KMAG) rapid retreat
- Truman: "we've got to stop these sons of ******* no matter what"
- 27th June
- UN resolution
- US executive order authorized air and naval forces to help SK
- 30th June
- US troops to Korea
- 7th Fleet to Taiwan Strait - controversial
- 3rd July
- Arrived
- 7th July
- UN Security Council resolution called for
- UN ask US to appoint Commander - MacArthur
- Why did Truman enter Korean War
- World balance of power veering towards Communism
- McCarthyism and domestic political concerns
- NCS-68
- UN - A lesson from History
- US world domination?
- The Risks of US entry into Korean War
- MacArthur
- US public opinion
- UN Co-ordination
- Sino-American conflict
- A 3rd WW
- 1950: US and UN involvement in War
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