Poverty: The Poor - In Britain 1830-75
A clear mind map to help recognise the types of poor in Britain in the years 1830-75.
- Created by: Fauzia
- Created on: 11-04-13 18:47
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- Who were the poor? Henry Mayhew
- 'Those who will work'
- Able-bodied poor who undertook a wide range of jobs
- Jobs ranged from Cabinet Makers and jewlellers of London.
- They were manual workers
- 'Those who cannot work'
- Some of the able-bodied poor could not work because there simply was no work for them to do.
- In bad weather, house painters and brick layers could not work.
- Many Labourers could not work because of crashed limbs, smashed skulls, broken backs and diseases.
- Usually from the conditions of their work places.
- Some of the able-bodied poor could not work because there simply was no work for them to do.
- 'Those who will not work'
- People who chose not to work.
- Beggers and vagrants were a common sight.
- Mostly men and boys
- Who were the paupers?
- People who could not support themselves and their families at a level generally acceptable to society and so were given relief.
- 'Outdoor' relief: food, clothing or grants of money from the pauper's parish. Able to stay at home/
- 'Indoor' relief: paupers given support only if they entered a parish workhouse.
- 'Those who will work'
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