Tory and Whig Divisions

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  • Whig and Tory Divisions
    • Ideals
      • Whig
        • 1670s-1689
          • Exclusionist
          • Civil authority from people not monarch
          • Threat of absolutism linked to Catholicism
        • Glorious Revolution
          • Believed monarchs could be removed if they broke the contract between Crown and subjects
          • Supported William's desire for war against the French absolutist King Louis XIV
            • Threat of absolutism linked to Catholicism
          • Wanted greater toleration through an extension of the 1689 Toleration Act
      • Tory
        • Glorious Revolution
          • Believed in the Divine Right of King and therefore wanted a traditional constitution
        • 1670s-1689
          • Anti-Exclusionist
          • Threat of absolutism from dissenters, republicans and Parliament
            • Limited Anglican Church
              • Glorious Revolution
                • Believed in the Divine Right of King and therefore wanted a traditional constitution
          • Came about from the 'Court' party and thus believed in the right of monarchy
    • Religion
      • Tories believed that dissenters would destroy the Church of England  and was exacerbated by the growth in dissenter pamphlets after the lapse of the Licensing Act in 1695
      • 1701 Act of Settlement placed limitations upon the threat of Catholicism as only a Protestant could hold a position on the throne.
    • Finance
      • Junto Whigs funded the war between England and France to the dismay of Tory leaders. This led to the creation of 'county' party after moderate Whigs combined with the Tory party
        • Million Loan Act 1693-- money would be paid to William on the principle that the Crown Credit would be paid back by Parliamentary taxes. This effectively provided Parliament with control over the nation's fiances.
      • The cost of the war was approximately £36 million thus leading to Tories demanding a cheaper naval based strategy as opposed to land war
    • Constitution
      • 1688 'Immortal Seven' (based on both Whigs and Tories) invited William of Orange to invade England
      • 1696 an oath was introduce stating that Mary and William were to be acknowledged as rightful monarchs. This led to many Tory MPs and Lords being removed from Parliament


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