What's on the label?
- Created by: Carolyn
- Created on: 20-11-13 21:04
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- What's on the label?
- Food labelling regulations (Northern Ireland) 1996 say that the following info must be clearly displayed on food packaging...
- The name of the food
- a 'best before' or 'use by' date
- Any special storage conditions or conditions of use
- The name and address of the manufacturer or packer, or a seller establish within the EU
- The weight of the food
- A list of ingredients
- 'Best before' dates
- Put on foods that 'would be expected to be fit to eat and retain their quality for more than 18 months'
- More about quality than safety
- Only accurate if food is stored correctly e.g. store in cool dry place
- 'Use by' dates
- Highly perishable foods or foods which go off quickly
- Food or drink should NOT be consumed after this date- it could be a risk to health
- This is the date by which the food should be eaten
- Display until or sell by are used by some shops to help with stock control- they are instructions for shop staff, not shoppers
- Nutrition Information
- Manufacturers must include nutrition info is they are making a NUTRITIONAL CLAIM e.g. Low fat
- Must show the amount of energy, protein, carbohydrate and fat per 100g or 100ml of the food + info on any claim made
- 'Traffic light' labelling show at a glance if the food has HIGH, MEDIUM OR LOW amounts of fat, sat fat, sugars and salt
- FSA recommends traffic light labelling is used on convenience foods
- Special Dietary Advice
- Foods approved by the Vegetarian Society can display their 'seedling symbol' - an oval with a V in it
- People with specific food allergies should always read food labels carefully and check ingredients lists
- Food labelling regulations (Northern Ireland) 1996 say that the following info must be clearly displayed on food packaging...
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