Effects of Collectivisation
- Created by: EvieHolmesIsAwesome!
- Created on: 01-05-14 14:03
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- What were the effects of Collectivisation?
- Between November 1929 and March 1930 60% of all farms were collectivised. Opponents were labelled Kulaks and were transported to the Gulags or arrested and shot.
- At no time was a definition of who a Kulak actually stated. So 'de-Kulakisation' was hit and miss and encouraged random acusations and violence.
- Each area was given a target of Kulak families to arrest and deport. An almost arbitrary terror descended on the villages.
- Nevertheless there was huge opposition from the peasants, especially when the Churches were ransacked or turned into barns or meeting places and personal property was confiscated too in some areas.
- Warhouses were often broken open and personal goods restored to their owners. Faced with such widespread opposition the Party had to back down.
- Stalin made a speech in March 1930 (Dizzy with Success) accussing loyal party officials of being over - zealous and allowing peasants to leave the collective farms. Many did.
- Once the 1930's harvest had been safely collected collectivisation began again. By 1931 over 50% of peasant families were collectivised.
- The consequences of opposition were dreadful. Tractor Station were linked to collectives, in an attempt to mechanise production.
- Of course there were not enough tractors, and peasants didn't know how to look after them, so many quickle became unserviceable.
- 50 per cent of tractors were soon out of action.
- Because grain procurements were so high, income for peasants on the collectives were very low, reducing the incentive to work. This encouraged the setting up of Kolkhozes.
- Many peasants began to spend more time on their private plots - By the end of the 1930's these were producing most of the country's eggs, milk and meat - than on their official duties.
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