Factors contributing to UUP's decline in support
- Created by: Olivia O'Neill
- Created on: 13-05-15 18:29
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- What factors contributed to the UUP's decline in support?
- Divisions within the Party over whether to participate in the GFA
- Jeffrey Donaldson, Arlene Foster and Jonathan Bell were all critical of Trimble's decision as they believed it had several flaws
- "SF/IRA" who had tried to destroy NI were now in Govt.
- Decommiss-ion did not take place until 2000 but was supposed to have been completed that year
- Trimble was also criticised for accepting IRA prisoners release
- The IRA were still active despite their ceasefire
- Punishment beatings and shooting of drug dealers
- Training FARC in Columbia
- Castlereagh break in
- GFA failed to get nationalist community to support PSNI and courts
- Weakened Union and made NI less politically stable
- Jeffrey Donaldson, Arlene Foster and Jonathan Bell were all critical of Trimble's decision as they believed it had several flaws
- These divisions worked to DUP's advantage
- Donaldson, Foster and Bell were welcomed with 'open arms' by I.P. when they defected to the DUP
- They brought many disillusioned UUP voters who were alarmed by Trimble's decisions
- Believed I.P. was right when saying Trimble was 'sleep-walking into a United Ireland' by complying with GFA
- They brought many disillusioned UUP voters who were alarmed by Trimble's decisions
- Electoral evidence was stark
- In 1998 UUP was the largest political party and had been dominating political landscape since 1920s
- In 2003 they were playing 'second fiddle' to rival unionists DUP who won 20 Assembly seats and 1 MP in HOC
- In 2007 the DUP won 36 seats in Assembly and 9 in HOC
- Donaldson, Foster and Bell were welcomed with 'open arms' by I.P. when they defected to the DUP
- Divisions within the Party over whether to participate in the GFA
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