What conditions lead to tropical storms (hurricanes, typhoons or cyclones) and tornadoes and in what ways do they represent a hazard to people? (cont)
- Created by: Jake199
- Created on: 11-05-14 11:47
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- What conditions lead to tropical storms (hurricanes, typhoons or cyclones) and tornadoes and in what ways do they represent a hazard to people? (cont)
- Hurricane Mitch, October 1998
- Central America- Honduras, Nicaragua, El Slavador, Guatemala
- Social impacts
- 10000 killed
- Food shortages
- 3 million homeless
- Economic impacts
- $5 bn
- Set back economic growth by 20 years
- Environmental impacts
- Floods and mudslides destroyed coastal wetlands
- Short term response- disaster appeal raised $22 bn
- Long term responses
- Land conservation, including reforestation
- World bank made $200 million available
- Worst hurricane in region for 200 years
- 290 kph wind, gusts up to 320 kph
- Orographic uplifts caused 1000-2000 mm of rain in 3 days
- Deforestation in area led to increased land and mudslides
- Short term management of hurricanes
- Forecast/ detect/ monitor
- Satellites to predict path
- Aircraft
- Buoys to detect wave height and sea surface temp
- Weather balloons
- Warnings an evacuation
- USA Hurricane watch- gives warnings about next 36 hours
- Hurricane warnings
- Reduce the impact
- Sandbags to prevent flooding
- Board up windows
- Make valuables safe
- Forecast/ detect/ monitor
- Long term management of hurricanes
- Improve resillience
- Rebuild away from coast
- Hurricane shelters
- Improve forecasting
- Invest in forecasting expertise and technology
- Set up evacuation plans
- Soft engineering
- Land management e.g protect wetlands, reforestation
- Hard engineering
- Build levees higher
- Managed retreat
- Improve resillience
- Hurricane Mitch, October 1998
- Land conservation, including reforestation
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