What are the reasons for the rise of Nazi power 1920-33?
- Created by: Tom Ower
- Created on: 01-06-13 18:36
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- What are the reasons for the rise of the Nazi Party 1920-33?
- Munich Putsch 1923
- Hitler got off lightly and received lots of publicity
- 1929 Wall Street Crash
- USA demanded loans to be repaid back, left Germany in a state of economic crisis
- Resulted in political polarisation
- Increased popularity for those who provided radical soulutions
- Fuhrerprinzip + the Hitler Myth
- Party reogranisation
- Hitler youth and Nazi students asscociation
- Disappointment at the ballot box in May 1928 acted as a stimulus for further reorganisation
- Electoral success 1930 onwards
- By July 1932, the Nazi Party becomes the largest political party
- Jan 1933, Hitler appointed Chancellor
- March 1933, enabling act destroys constitution and by July all political parties are banned.
- Idea of Volkegemeinschaft
- Political violence
- Munich Putsch 1923
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